
Latest version: v0.5.0

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<img src="https://github.com/felixdittrich92/OnnxTR/blob/main/docs/images/logo.jpg" width="50%">

What's Changed

- Added 8-Bit quantized models
- Added Dockerfile and CI for CPU/GPU Usage

8-Bit quantized models

8-Bit quantized variants of all models was added (expect: the FAST models - which are already reparameterized)

from onnxtr.models import ocr_predictor, detection_predictor, recognition_predictor

predictor = ocr_predictor(det_arch="db_resnet50", reco_arch="crnn_vgg16_bn", load_in_8_bit=True)

det_predictor = detection_predictor("db_resnet50", load_in_8_bit=True)
reco_predictor = recognition_predictor("parseq", load_in_8_bit=True)

- CPU benchmarks:

|Library |FUNSD (199 pages) |CORD (900 pages) |
|docTR (CPU) - v0.8.1 | ~1.29s / Page | ~0.60s / Page |
|OnnxTR (CPU) - v0.1.2 | ~0.57s / Page | ~0.25s / Page |
|OnnxTR (CPU) 8-bit - v0.1.2 | ~0.38s / Page | ~0.14s / Page |
|EasyOCR (CPU) - v1.7.1 | ~1.96s / Page | ~1.75s / Page |
|PyTesseract (CPU) - v0.3.10 | ~0.50s / Page | ~0.52s / Page |
|Surya (line) (CPU) - v0.4.4 | ~48.76s / Page | ~35.49s / Page |


This release:

- Fix some typos
- update Readme and add a first minimal benchmark
- clean build dependencies


This release:

- split dependencies in cpu and gpu


This release:

- initial release
- support for TF and PT exported models
- base functionality from docTR


Initial release to upload models

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