We are happy to share with you the first release of 2025: ontolearn v0.9.0.
Installation/upgrade using PyPI:
pip install -U ontolearn
Changes Summary:
- We have added two new models, namely **ROCES** and **NCES2**.
- Some major refactoring to knowledge base classes, especially the triplestore knowlege base.
- Removed some hyperparameters and caching operations from `KnowledgeBase`.
- `TripleStore` and `TripleStoreKnowlegeBase` merged to a single class.
- TripleStore knowledge base can now be used by all learners except NCES, NCES2 and ROCES.
- NCES, NCES2 and ROCES will be adapted soon to use TripleStore knowledge base.
- Please check PR 510 documentation for additional details.
- Added semantic caching algorithm for OWL reasoners.
- [Documentation](https://ontolearn-docs-dice-group.netlify.app/) is updated.
- Fixed some known bugs and made a few optimizations for Drill.
All Changes (+ PRs)
* DRILL shifts the quality computation to triplestore by Demirrr in https://github.com/dice-group/Ontolearn/pull/505
* Class expression learning on DBpedia by Jean-KOUAGOU in https://github.com/dice-group/Ontolearn/pull/506
* Add ROCES and NCES2 by Jean-KOUAGOU in https://github.com/dice-group/Ontolearn/pull/511
* Merging TripleStore and TripleStroreKnowledgeBase, Refactoring and Documentation update by alkidbaci in https://github.com/dice-group/Ontolearn/pull/510
* Drill bug fix by alkidbaci in https://github.com/dice-group/Ontolearn/pull/513
* Semantic caching algorithm added by Louis-Mozart in https://github.com/dice-group/Ontolearn/pull/512
* Docs update and version increase by alkidbaci in https://github.com/dice-group/Ontolearn/pull/514
* Final changes before 0.9.0 by alkidbaci in https://github.com/dice-group/Ontolearn/pull/517
* Excluded recent tests by alkidbaci in https://github.com/dice-group/Ontolearn/pull/519
* New Release: 0.9.0 by alkidbaci in https://github.com/dice-group/Ontolearn/pull/518
**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/dice-group/Ontolearn/compare/0.8.1...0.9.0