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Not secure
Release Date: June 20th, 2011

* OODT-292 Updated webapp poms to inherit from core parent pom to allow maven
release plugin to function properly (pramirez)

* OODT-279 Make Resource Manager FAILURE and SUCCESS aware instead of just
COMPLETE aware (mattmann, bfoster)

* OODT-278 CAS-PGE returns success even if product file(s) fail to
ingest (mattmann, bfoster)

* OODT-243 Add method is called on already existing jobspec (mattmann, bfoster)

* OODT-199 CoreMetExtractor chokes on Hierarchical Products (mattmann)

* OODT-200 FinalFileLocationExtractor chokes on Hierarchical products

* OODT-186 Common base library for modular OODT web applications built
using PHP (ahart, Gabe Resneck, Shakeh Khudikyan)

* OODT-191 PushPull FileRetrievalSystem NPE if mime comment for type doesn't
include ampersand (mattmann, bfoster)

* OODT-184 Add ability to poll the load of any particular node (Gabe Resneck via mattmann)

* OODT-60 Annoying build warnings about dependencies that
have "been relocated" (mattmann, davidkale)

* OODT-198 Add test harness for XmlRpcResourceManager (mattmann)

* OODT-182 Add ability to change node capacity during execution (Gabe Resneck via mattmann)

* OODT-162 Parametric Data Model File Manager Catalog (mattmann, ahart, cgoodale)

* OODT-195 XMLValidationLayer: Elements Map and ProductType to Element
Map can become inconsistent (Michael Starch, mattmann, bfoster)

* OODT-197 Null descriptions from elements.xml cause NPE when writing
elements.xml file back out (mattmann, Michael Starch)

* OODT-193 PGE ExternMetExtractor MetWriter (bfoster, mattmann)

* OODT-192 PGE FilenameExtractorMetWriter (mattmann)

* OODT-156 Rewrite Workflow Monitor webapp using Apache Wicket (mattmann)

* OODT-190 WorkflowCondition configuration isn't read (mattmann)

* OODT-189 Refactor and clean up WorkflowCondition
Configuration (mattmann)

* OODT-188 Precondition Comparator to ignore files with
a particular extension (mattmann)

* OODT-129 Integrate with Maven Central (mattmann)

* OODT-177 PHP implementation of sso (ahart)

* OODT-175 cas-wm-webapp javadoc fails maven build (mattmann, bfoster)

* OODT-54 Xml Rpc Serde Casts Longs to Ints (pramirez via mattmann)

* OODT-155 Rewrite File Manager Browser webapp using Apache Wicket (mattmann)

* OODT-185 The File Manager's query_tool script does not handle quoted parameter values. (shardman)

* OODT-181 Add documentation for metFileExt attribute on exec element in
ExternMetExtractor (mattmann)

* OODT-179 Upgrade PushPull FTP protocol to use Commons Net 2.2 (mattmann)

* OODT-176 Baked in file manager policy should include example of product type metadata (mattmann)

* OODT-174 TestAcquisitionDateVersioner fails in the later evening (bfoster via mattmann)

* OODT-172 Improvements to the Filename Extractor (mattmann)

* OODT-170 cas-catalog shuffles query results . . . order is lost (bfoster)

* OODT-169 Pushpull dirstruct xml files fail to replace global
variables in name attribute for dir and file elements (bfoster)

* OODT-166 Ability for puspull to dynamically generate ProductName for a given mime-type (bfoster)

* OODT-167 ProcessedPageInfo isLastPage fails for case PageNum = 1 and totalPages = 0 (bfoster)

* OODT-164 AcqusitionDate Versioner (mattmann)

* OODT-163 DirectoryProduct Versioner for the File Manager (mattmann)

* OODT-160 Allow number of session protocol connections in
pushpull to be configurable for each site (bfoster)

* OODT-161 PushPull getTextContext()/getNode() value still poses an issue for some JVMs (bfoster)

* OODT-159 Dynamic Queue/Node was not added to command-line usage printout (bfoster)

* OODT-152 Fixed website and download page. Reverted back
to the same site from OODT-134. (goodale)

* OODT-153 PathUtils [DATE.MONTH] and [DATE.DAY] should pad with
a "0" not a " " (empty space) (bfoster via mattmann)

* OODT-139 PCS JAX-RS services (mattmann, pramirez, bfoster, ahart)

* OODT-151 Add xdocs for modules from old JPL site (mattmann)

* OODT-110 TestExternMetExtractor fails if temp directory is mounted noexec (pramirez, smclees)

* OODT-145 StreamGobbler stopGobblingAndDie() method doesn't wait
until gobble is really dead (bfoster)

* OODT-112 Link to slides on web-grid Maven page is broke (mattmann, goodale)

* OODT-130 Fixed mailing list links for CAS Components maven generated site pages (goodale)

* OODT-144 ExternAction for crawler which executes some external command (bfoster)

* OODT-143 addition of fmprod context.xml and maven servlet-api
dependency scope change to provider (Shakeh Khudikyan, mattmann)

* OODT-142 TypeHandler SerDe is backwards incompat with older
versions of FM (mattmann)

* OODT-141 LuceneCatalog pagination throws LuceneException when
grabbing out of bounds hitNum

* OODT-140 commons-lang version should be standardized on
(2.1. vs 2.3) (bfoster)

* OODT-135 Process Control System Package (mattmann)

* OODT-138 Reference class prints stack trace when mime type repo
cannot be found (mattmann)

* OODT-136 Lack of cataloged mime type causes recoverable exception in
Reference core class (mattmann)

* OODT-134 Update website with News of Release 0.2 and links for download (goodale)

* OODT-128 CAS workflow monitor webapp fails to load due to unparsable
character in JSP file (Rishi Verma via mattmann)


Not secure
Release Date: January 17th, 2011

* OODT-119 Curator REST API documentation (mattmann, joshuaga)

* OODT-118 CAS Curator doesn't allow metadata update on file
manager browser (mattmann)

* OODT-116 Cas Curator doesn't ingest (mattmann)

* OODT-117 Final File Location Extractor fails in actual use despite unit test
passing (mattmann)

* OODT-115 TestCatalogServiceLocal fails (mattmann, pramirez)

* OODT-65 Release process now includes publishing to PyPi (pramirez, kelly, mattmann)

* OODT-112 Link to slides on web-grid Maven page is broke (mattmann, kelly)

* OODT-111 Allow a file to be specified in the URL for the
opendapp configurator (Victor Hwang via mattmann)

* OODT-108 Ability for the file manager to ingest a file in
place (Faranak Davoodi via mattmann)

* OODT-73 Update the OODT website http://oodt.apache.org (goodale, kelly)

* OODT-86 The Product Server Should Have the Capability to Turn Off
Reporting of File Sizes For File Listing Functions (Michael Cayanan via mattmann)

* OODT-41 Product Constructor does not set transfer status (mattmann)

* OODT-72 Unable to set Metadata based off Product Versioning during
Product ingestion (mattmann, bfoster)

* OODT-68 Add Number of Product Hits to ProductPage (bfoster, mattmann)

* OODT-107 Typo identified in filemgr-client usage statement (Rishi Verma via mattmann)

* OODT-58 update file manager to use Tika for mime-type detection (mattmann)

* OODT-106 Logging properties for OPeNDAP ps doesn't include required .level suffix (mattmann)

* OODT-105 Fix GeospatialCoverage in OPeNDAP ps (mattmann)

* OODT-104 Allow const section to plumb information into profile elements (mattmann)

* OODT-90 (cas-crawler patch) CAS-PGE returns success even if product file(s) failed to ingest (bfoster)

* OODT-103 modify cas-common's cmd-line parser to throw a special OptionHelpException if no args
are specified so it can be specifically trapped (bfoster)

* OODT-192 cas-catalog should require a metadata flag for allowing Transaction updates (bfoster)

* OODT-95 cas-catalog throws exceptions with blank messages (bfoster)

* OODT-98 Resource Manager TestXmlQueueRepository test fails on some computers because
<hashmap>.keySet() order is undefined (bfoster, mattmann)

* OODT-97 Allow for unsorted paging across all catalogs to give option of lowering heap footprint (bfoster)

* OODT-96 cas-catalog query parser fails when bucketNames are given (bfoster)

* OODT-94 DataSourceIndex doesn't filter it's query to the bucket names provided in the QueryExpression (bfoster)

* OODT-93 Spring XML resource classpaths are still set to /gov/nasa/jpl... and commons classpaths were not updates to remove 'cas' (bfoster)

* OODT-91 cas-commons command-line help for a given arguments (bfoster)

* OODT-89 (cas-pushpull patch) Synchonize OODT-CAS components, which depend on one another, on a particular Apache-Tika version (bfoster)

* OODT-88 mvn eclipse:eclipse fails to merge resources (bfoster)

* OODT-89 (cas-metadata patch) Synchonize OODT-CAS components, which depend on one another, on a particular Apache-Tika version (bfoster)

* OODT-87 Add date roll dynamic replacement fuction to PathUtils (bfoster)

* OODT-63 Use hard coded version numbers in shared component POMs so that MVN install works (bfoster)

* OODT-85 XML configurator for opendap crashes on null pointer exceptions for some datasets (Victor Hwang via mattmann)

* OODT-78 Ability for Resource Manager to dynamically add/remove nodes and modify queues at run-time (bfoster)

* OODT-79 LRUScheduler removes a job from the JobQueue, but adds it back if can't schedule it, which (in the
JobStack impl) causes JobRepo to create duplicate copies of the same JobSpec with different JobIds (bfoster)

* OODT-77 Make resource manager Queue aware (bfoster)

* OODT-80 Create Cached JobRepository for cas-resource (bfoster)

* OODT-82 Make resource manager's node ip addresses envReplace-able (bfoster)

* OODT-83 the artifactid for pushpull should change to cas-pushpull (Faranak Davoodi via mattmann)

* OODT-76 Commons TimeEventWeightedHash throws a StackOverthrow Error when epsilon is large and event duration is small (bfoster)

* OODT-9 Create a generic OpenDAP profile server (mattmann, Victor Hwang, smcclees)

* OODT-67 All Loggers should be "static final" (bfoster)

* OODT-66 Allow Filemgr XML-RPC connection retries and retry interval to be configurable (bfoster)

* OODT-62 DateTimeVersioner fails on + side of the GMT line (Thomas Bennett via mattmann)

* OODT-57 LuceneCatalog.getNumHits() doesn't properly translate the
given Query object into the equivalent Lucene query (Gabe Resneck via mattmann)

Release 0.1-incubating
Release Date: 0ct 31, 2010

* OODT-56 Web Grid config contains old caltech licensing header (woollard)

* OODT-55 Latest Tika 0.8-SNAPSHOT broke pushpull (mattmann)

* OODT-51 Workflow unit test fails due to hsql not parsing the apache header correctly (woollard)

* OODT-49 Basic user guide for PushPull (mattmann)

* OODT-22 remove pushpull's jvftp dependency (mattmann)

* OODT-47 Web-grid admin pages reference jpl.eda instead of org.apache.oodt (mattmann)

* OODT-46 XMLPS mapping file doesn't declare XML at top of conf file (mattmann)

* OODT-48 WildcardExpression in XMLPS generates incorrect SQL (mattmann)

* OODT-44 doesn't build in JDK5 because of stringPropertyNames() in
cas/workflow/structs/TaskJobInput.java (mattmann, davekale)

* OODT-42 Fix CAS-Catalog to work in apache and pull over new changes
since apache port (bfoster)

* OODT-3 Update source code to use ASL headers and add NOTICE, etc.
(smcclees, ahart, woollard, mattmann, kelly, pramirez)

* OODT-38 Removed RAT from default build process. Use "mvn -P audit ..." to run RAT (pramirez)

* OODT-40 DataSourceCatalogFactory default validation layer class is incorrect (pramirez via mattmann)

* OODT-39 LuceneCatalogFactory default validation layer class is incorrect (pramirez via mattmann)

* OODT-15 One trunk for all OODT components with top level build (mattmann, bfoster, kelly, woollard)

* OODT-30 updated "grid" svn:ignore property to ignore target folder (David Kale via mattmann)

* OODT-29 Import (ERNE) XMLPS component (David Kale, ahart, woollard, mattmann)

* OODT-27 Import Web Grid component (David Kale, mattmann)

* OODT-26 Typo identified in basic user's guide (Rishi Verma via mattmann)

* OODT-16 OODT website (kelly)

* OODT-24 Fmprod webapp currently depended on the toXML method of the Metadata object
in cas-metadata, which has been removed... (woollard)

* OODT-23 remove pushpull's javamail dependency (mattmann)

* OODT-20 Upgrade oodt-profile's jena dependency to more recent version (kelly)

* OODT-19 Metadata should not use a GPL-licensed XML parser (mattmann)

* OODT-7 Curator adds escaped sequenced spaces when reading extractorBinPath
tag from extractor config files (joshuaga via mattmann)

* OODT-21 Remove jersey dependency from curator and replace with Apache CXF (mattmann)

* OODT-18 Convert curator to use Apache commons rather than jTidy (mattmann)

* OODT-16 - Remove JPL look+feel and web references, as well as dependency on private JPL M2
repository; add relocation tags and disclaimer of Apache Incubation status (kelly)

* OODT-14 User guide pre-requisite to checkout and install oodt-core before attempting to
build cas-filemgr (Cameron Goodale via mattmann)

* OODT-4 - Merge cas-commons and edm-commons (mattmann)

* OODT-8 - grid-product/pom.xml references tika ver. 0.2-SNAPSHOT, which no longer exists (David Kale via mattmann)

* OODT-2 - Import CAS components into OODT SVN (mattmann, joes)

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