Removes support for Python 2.x
Due to the upgrade to Django 2.x, Opal no longer supports Python 2.x.
Opal is now tested against Python 3.5, 3.6
The field `` was previously implicitly set when calling `.set_tag_names()` to
something equivalent to the value of `bool(len(tag_names) > 0)`.
As of 0.13.0 the value of `` is checked whenever `.save()` is called, prior
to the database call. The correct value is looked up via `Episode.category.is_active()`.
The default calculation of `.active` has also changed to be roughly equivalent to
` bool(self.episode.end is None)`.
Applications are now able to easily _change_ this behaviour by overriding the `.is_active`
method of the relevant `EpisodeCategory`.
Coding systems for lookuplists
Lookuplist entries may now have an associated coding system and code value stored against them.
This enables applications to explicitly code entries against e.g. SNOMED value sets.
Note: This will requires a migration to be created for all applications.
New date display format helpers
Introduces two new Angular filters: `displayDate` and `displayDateTime`. These format a date
for display according to the setting `DATE_DISPLAY_FORMAT`. This defaults to `D MMM YYYY`.
New applications will have this setting in their scaffold, existing applications may wish to add
All core Opal templates that previously used `shortDate` or `shortDateTime` have been updated to
use either `displayDate` or `displayDateTime`.
Removes scope.jumpToEpisode and scope.getEpisodeId from Search and Extract
We no longer use these functions, instead we use an HTML link to the patient detail view.
Removes Patient.to_dict().active_episode_id
We no longer include a value for "active_episode_id" as part of the Patient to_dict serialisation.
This is effectively meaningless since we moved to an episode model that allows for multiple
concurrent episodes.
Removes CopyToCategory
Removes the entire CopyToCategory flow from Opal Core. If applications continue to rely on it,
they are advised to implement at application level.
In general application developers are advised to find alternative ways to display subrecords
from multiple episodes rather than copying them however, as this is known to cause duplication
of data that is hard to trace back later on.
This includes the API endpoint at `episode/$id/actions/copyto/$category/`, the template
`copy_to_category.html`, the Angular controller `CopyToCategoryCtrl` and service
`CopyToCategory` and Subrecord property `_clonable`.
Lookuplist data format
Lookuplist entries in data files are no longer required to have an empty synonyms list
if the entry doesn't have a synonym. This reduces the file size and makes it easier to
hand craft data files for new applications.
TaggedPatientList Episode serialisation
Alters the default serialisation of TaggedPatientList serialisation to no longer filter out
'inactive' episodes. Given that 'active' was always true when an episode had a tag, this
was effectivly a no-op anyway unless applications were altering the `get_queryset` for
these patient lists somehow.
Removes the deprecated Model._title property
Use of `Model._title` to set a display name of a subrecord has issued a warning for several
releases - this has now been removed and will no longer work.
Free text or foreign key fields are now, by default case insensitive
This can be adjusted with a flag on the field.
Existing fk_or_ft fields could therefore still have the field set as free text.
This change is not accompanied by a retrospective migration so your existing fk_or_ft may be
stored in a case sensitive manner. It is recommended you migrate all of your fk_or_ft fields
as this will give you consistent behaviour.
For example
Prior to this change if I had an allergy for "paracetomol" but an entry in the models.Drug
table of "Paracetomol", it would be stored as free text in the `Allergies.drug` field, because
it was case sensitive. Going forward after this change it will be saved as a foreign key. This
change will not be made retrospecively however so you would need to add a migration that resaved
the Allergies.drug.
Misc Changes
* The undocumented Reopen Episode flow included in Opal < 0.8.0 has now been completely removed,
including the `reopen_episode_modal.html` template and the url/view at `templates/modals/reopen_episode.html/`.
* Removes the method `.deleteItem` from the `RecordEditor` service.
* Adds in a footer updated/created by to the form base template
* Changes the default value of `_ft` fields on `ForeignKeyOrFreeTextField` from b'' to ''. This requires a migration
* `__unicode__` model methods have been renamed `__str__`
* Adds an index argument to `PatientList.as_menuitem()` and `Pathway.as_menuitem()`
* Adds a `get_absolute_url()` method to `Patient` and `Episode
* Adds `btn-cancel`, `btn-save` and `btn-delete` classes to the respective form buttons.
* Moves the cancel button by default to be left of the save button.
* Renames the (undocumented, internal) Angular service `FieldTranslater` to `FieldTranslator`
* If an item is deleted from the edit item modal, RecordEditor.openEditItemModal will now resolve after
the delete item modal is closed with 'deleted'
Updates to the Dependency Graph
* Django: 1.10.8 -> 2.0.9
* Django Rest Framework: 3.4.7 -> 3.7.4
* Django Reversion: 1.10.2 -> 3.0.1
* Letter: 0.4.1 -> 0.5
* Requests: 2.18.4 -> 2.20.1
* Psycopg2: 2.7 ->
* Python Dateutil: 2.4.2 -> 2.7.5