⚠️ **This release is broken due to an ABI break between OSTk mathematics 4.2.3 and 4.3.0, use astrodynamics 12.3.1 instead.** ⚠️
_(This can be also avoided by pinning OSTk mathematics to 4.2.3)_
* fix: fix C++17 build by tapiab in https://github.com/open-space-collective/open-space-toolkit-astrodynamics/pull/450
* build: update python build versions, add 3.12 remove 3.8 by vishwa2710 in https://github.com/open-space-collective/open-space-toolkit-astrodynamics/pull/451
**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/open-space-collective/open-space-toolkit-astrodynamics/compare/12.2.0...12.2.1