Minor Changes
- [1201](https://github.com/hey-api/openapi-ts/pull/1201) [`972a93a`](https://github.com/hey-api/openapi-ts/commit/972a93a91a945cc9ead73c08bb0fa9ee120433ba) Thanks [mrlubos](https://github.com/mrlubos)! - feat: make plugins first-class citizens
This release makes plugins first-class citizens. In order to achieve that, the following breaking changes were introduced.
Removed CLI options
The `--types`, `--schemas`, and `--services` CLI options have been removed. You can list which plugins you'd like to use explicitly by passing a list of plugins as `--plugins <plugin1> <plugin2>`
Removed `*.export` option
Previously, you could explicitly disable export of certain artifacts using the `*.export` option or its shorthand variant. These were both removed. You can now disable export of specific artifacts by manually defining an array of `plugins` and excluding the unwanted plugin.
::: code-group
js [shorthand]
export default {
client: 'hey-api/client-fetch',
input: 'path/to/openapi.json',
output: 'src/client',
schemas: false, // [!code --]
plugins: ['hey-api/types', 'hey-api/services'], // [!code ++]
js [*.export]
export default {
client: 'hey-api/client-fetch',
input: 'path/to/openapi.json',
output: 'src/client',
schemas: {
export: false, // [!code --]
plugins: ['hey-api/types', 'hey-api/services'], // [!code ++]
Renamed `schemas.name` option
Each plugin definition contains a `name` field. This was conflicting with the `schemas.name` option. As a result, it has been renamed to `nameBuilder`.
export default {
client: 'hey-api/client-fetch',
input: 'path/to/openapi.json',
output: 'src/client',
schemas: {
name: (name) => `${name}Schema`, // [!code --]
plugins: [
// ...other plugins
nameBuilder: (name) => `${name}Schema`, // [!code ++]
name: 'hey-api/schemas',
Removed `services.include` shorthand option
Previously, you could use a string value as a shorthand for the `services.include` configuration option. You can now achieve the same result using the `include` option.
export default {
client: 'hey-api/client-fetch',
input: 'path/to/openapi.json',
output: 'src/client',
services: '^MySchema', // [!code --]
plugins: [
// ...other plugins
include: '^MySchema', // [!code ++]
name: 'hey-api/services',
Renamed `services.name` option
Each plugin definition contains a `name` field. This was conflicting with the `services.name` option. As a result, it has been renamed to `serviceNameBuilder`.
export default {
client: 'hey-api/client-fetch',
input: 'path/to/openapi.json',
output: 'src/client',
services: {
name: '{{name}}Service', // [!code --]
plugins: [
// ...other plugins
serviceNameBuilder: '{{name}}Service', // [!code ++]
name: 'hey-api/services',
Renamed `types.dates` option
Previously, you could set `types.dates` to a boolean or a string value, depending on whether you wanted to transform only type strings into dates, or runtime code too. Many people found these options confusing, so they have been simplified to a boolean and extracted into a separate `hey-api/transformers` plugin.
export default {
client: 'hey-api/client-fetch',
input: 'path/to/openapi.json',
output: 'src/client',
types: {
dates: 'types+transform', // [!code --]
plugins: [
// ...other plugins
dates: true, // [!code ++]
name: 'hey-api/transformers',
Removed `types.include` shorthand option
Previously, you could use a string value as a shorthand for the `types.include` configuration option. You can now achieve the same result using the `include` option.
export default {
client: 'hey-api/client-fetch',
input: 'path/to/openapi.json',
output: 'src/client',
types: '^MySchema', // [!code --]
plugins: [
// ...other plugins
include: '^MySchema', // [!code ++]
name: 'hey-api/types',
Renamed `types.name` option
Each plugin definition contains a `name` field. This was conflicting with the `types.name` option. As a result, it has been renamed to `style`.
export default {
client: 'hey-api/client-fetch',
input: 'path/to/openapi.json',
output: 'src/client',
types: {
name: 'PascalCase', // [!code --]
plugins: [
// ...other plugins
name: 'hey-api/types',
style: 'PascalCase', // [!code ++]