- Extract routing mechanism into a `Router` class
- Clean `ServiceBroker` interface
- `gevent` is now optional and can be installed by `pip install openbrokerapi[gevent]`
- Added endpoint to get last binding operation
- Introduce `**kwargs` into some signatures to improve backwards compatibility in the future
- Fixed responses with status 412 don't contain body (https://github.com/pallets/werkzeug/issues/1231)
- `ServiceBroker` provides methods to fetch instance and binding
- Provision does not require `organization_guid` and `space_guid` parameters, if they are available in the context object
- Changed parameter order in `UnbindDetails`, `DeprovisionDetails`
- Changed parameter name of `ServiceBroker.provision`
- Removed deprecated `ServicePlanMetaData` (use `ServicePlanMetadata`)
- Unbind now returns `UnbindSpec`
- `ServiceBroker.bind` and `ServiceBroker.unbind` now receive `async_allowed` flag
**Why breaking changes?**
To catch up with the newest features of the OpenServiceBroker API some breaking changes were neccessary.
While I was working on the new version I realised that there are a few things I really wanted to fix, which is at the end the reason, for some changes that may not be necessary but nice to have.