Package contens: `opencv-4.1.0` + `dldt-2019_R1`
+ Contrib modules and haarcascades are not included.
+ It built with ffmpeg and v4l support.
+ It compiled with TBB lib selected as threading lib, so you will need to install it (libtbb-dev on Ubuntu).
+ No GTK/QT support -- use matplotlib for plotting your results.
+ Linux x86_64 only
+ Depends on libtbb2 and glibc-2.27
ffmpeg libs are NOT included
First release.
Package contens: `opencv-4.0.1` + `dldt-2018_R5`
+ No ffmpeg/gstreamer
+ No contrib modules
+ No additional files, like haarcascades xmls
+ Linux only
+ 64bit only
+ depends on `libtbb2` and `glibc-2.27`