
Latest version: v2.1.6

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* Fixed the option to update BESS DER parameter when creating the object.
* Fixed a bug when initializing a BESS DER during abnormal frequency condition.


* Fixed a bug abnormal operation category (NP_ABNORMAL_OP_CAT) only accepts uppercase values
* Updated ride-through performance to better represent actual inverter's behavior
* Added an option to update DER parameter when creating the object.


* Fixed a bug where enter service randomized enter delay does not behave as expected
* Fixed a bug where momentary cessation does not behave as expected


* Changed all units of nameplate rating to the base unit Watt/var/VA, from kW/kvar/kVA in Version 1.0.
* Added one time delay feature to represent the DER active and reactive grid support functions’ reaction time, and a first order lag for in applicable voltage measurement.
* Added Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) DER specific functions including State-of-Charge (SOC) calculation, and their corresponding model input parameters.
* Updated applicable smart inverter functions to consider BESS DER behaviors, including volt-watt, active power limit, and watt-var functions.
* Changed the DER operation status from ON/OFF to “Continuous Operation”, “Mandatory Operation”, “Momentary Cessation”, “Trip”, etc., to better capture the DER ride-through status, and its performance in different ride-through modes.
* Added DER ride-through performance module, which includes the DER performance under different ride-through modes, including Momentary Cessation, etc.
* Added DER model output options as current source and voltage source behind impedance.


* Improve model input validity check process


* Added a CombinedTimePlots class to combine multiple time charts
* Changed the method of accessing voltage regulator information

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