--------------------- Added ~~~~~ * Added new XBLOCK_PUBLISHED, XBLOCK_DUPLICATED and XBLOCK_DELETED signals in content_authoring. * Added XBlockData and DuplicatedXBlockData classes * Added custom UsageKeyAvroSerializer for opaque_keys UsageKey.
-------------------- Changed ~~~~~~~ * **Breaking change** Make event_metadata parameter in EventBusProducer send API required
-------------------- Changed ~~~~~~~ * Add event_metadata parameter to EventBusProducer send API. **Note:** Calling this method with the new argument will throw an exception with older versions of this library that don't yet support the parameter.
-------------------- Added ~~~~~ * Configurable loader for producer side of Event Bus in ``openedx_events.event_bus``.
-------------------- Fixed ~~~~~ * Fix default value for optional fields from "null" to None
-------------------- * **Breaking change**: Removed (optional) field ``effort`` from ``CourseCatalogData.`` Nothing should be relying on this field as it is not used by Course Discovery in Publisher-enabled setups.