1. New models and datasets for Knowledge Graph 2. Graph database interface 3. Maintenance and testing.
1. New models and datasets. 2. 4 New tasks : pretrain, recommendation, graph attacks and defenses, abnorm_event detection. 3. TensorBoard visualization. 4. Maintenance and testing.
1. New models 2. Provide pipelines for applications 3. More models supporting mini-batch training 4. Benchmark for million-scale graphs
1. New models 2. API usage 3. Customization of datasets and models
1. New models 2. Space4HGNN 3. Benchmark & Leaderboard
1. Release v0.1.1 on [OpenI](https://git.openi.org.cn/GAMMALab/OpenHGNN) with Chinese. 2. Add more models. 3. Add logger feature. 4. More models implemented in link prediction