This release adds some functionality requested by collaborators:
1. A "--download_regex" command line option for all consumer-type programs that allows selecting which files should be sent for further processing. While all messages must be read from the topic, messages whose original files' relative paths don't match the specified regex will be skipped over once they're been read from the topic.
2. A "--mode" command line option for stream processors and stream reproducers to allow users to decide whether files downloaded by those programs should be stored in "memory", on "disk", or "both". Storing files in memory allows for the fastest processing, while storing them on disk allows processing of files too large to hold in memory at once. The "both" option is useful for keeping a local copy of data that are processed without needing to read those files using a separate consumer.
The release also includes new CI tests and documentation updates for both of the above, and some further improvements to the code organization.