
Latest version: v0.9.7

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Major Updates to Python PyPI packaging process.
* Builds wheels for OSX and Linux platforms (Windows will not be supported)
* See all [supported platforms](
* Manually tested on _**Kali(latest), Ubuntu(latest)**_ & _**macOS Ventura 13.1 (latest)**_. Works for most OSX and Linux distro versions.
* New versions must be specified in the `` file and will be published to on pushes to `MAIN`.
* Install with `pip install openmtpk`
* Tools available:
* Arithmetic based operations
* Primes
* RC4
* Ciphers

C++ source is currently supported on Linux based platforms.
* Bugs with googletest on OSX.


What's Changed
* Division between code for internal functionality vs. what is available to the user.
* CI/CD pipeline updates
* `clang-format` for linting/formatting C++ source code, `autopep8` for Python.
* Python PyPI packaging edits.
* Tag bump related commits will include a `MAJOR`, `MINOR`, or `PATCH` prefix to the commit message.
* Updates to certain directories run certain jobs.
* Continuous Machine Learning & Linear Algebra module updates.
* Stubbed out implementations for activation, regularization, optimization & model trainer methods, statistical helpers, random sorts + utilities.
* `Matrix` related methods are usable. More updates to come.
* ML module is not currently usable aside from `Linear Regression` model on very select data sets.


1. Updates to Primary and Secondary Multi-Layer Perceptron networks
2. Updates to Python API
3. Added support for Operating Systems, Kernels, Architectures, etc.
* Added tested support beyond x86 processors
* Raspberry Pi 3 & 4 support
4. Fortran, OCaml, Go and Julia demoted to experimental APIs, focus remains on Python and now R bindings

Next :
1. Fix CMake bugs for `OSX` installation. Issues with Googletest hangup
2. Update Machine Learning Module with more techniques
3. Inject source code updates into APIs
4. Create formal check/test process for Raspberry Pi hardware


1. Continued changes to Linear Algebra Module + samples
2. Continued updates to Python API, injecting new C++ source functionalities into the `` file used in packaging process for PyPI
* Install with `pip install openmtpk==0.6.1`
3. Updates to the `mtpk` namespace. Wrapped more classes in the namespace, does not affect Python API
4. Changes/updates to datatypes to allow for maximum precision while also avoiding potential overflow as well as for conciseness
> **Note** Some int and char types will be updated later on to ensure nothing breaks
* `int`----------->`int64_t`
* `long long`-->`int64_t`
* `unsigned`---->`uint64_t`
* `double`------->`long double`
* `float`--------->`long double`
5. Adding `make uninstall` option for the project's build process with CMake. See the install/uninstall directions [here](


3. Updated to CMake installation of source C++ code

Next :
1. Create first of many Neural Network Models and Machine Learning techniques for the [ml]( module
* Update the overarching `ml.hpp` header to make use of implemented models and techniques
> **Note** So far the [Linear Regression]( technique works on select two-column data
2. Progress on CPP->R & OCaml language binding process


What's Changed
1. Updates to Linear Algebra Module and samples
* See this [example]( to view operations on matrices
* More updates to samples as development continues
2. PyPI updates
* Adjusting SWIG process to accommodate for template based classes and methods

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