- added properties to `Pile` object:
- `openpile.construct.Pile.tip_area` and
- `openpile.construct.Pile.tip_footprint`
- added soil springs:
- `openpile.utils.py_curves.custom_pisa_sand` and `openpile.utils.py_curves.custom_pisa_clay`
- `openpile.utils.mt_curves.custom_pisa_sand` and `openpile.utils.mt_curves.custom_pisa_clay`
- `openpile.utils.Hb_curves.custom_pisa_sand` and `openpile.utils.Hb_curves.custom_pisa_clay`
- `openpile.utils.Mb_curves.custom_pisa_sand` and `openpile.utils.Mb_curves.custom_pisa_clay`
- added soil models:
- `openpile.soilmodels.Bothkennar_clay` from the PISA joint-industry project
- `openpile.soilmodels.Custom_pisa_sand` and `openpile.soilmodels.Custom_pisa_clay`, these models can be used to customise PISA formulations based on external sources, such as an FE model.
- new functions to calculate Dunkirk Sand and Cowden Clay normalized parameters, these functions are in the module: `openpile.utils.multipliers` and are the following: `get_cowden_clay_(..)_norm_param()` and `get_dunkirk_sand_(..)_norm_param()`.
- Stress stiffness matrix modified for not yielding negative values due to axial force component.