
Latest version: v2.7.5

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New Features:
* "-f" forces Firewall Rules to block leakage, if tunnel breaks (Experimental!) . uses iptables to block all traffic to other interfaces except internal traffic and traffic to the specific ip address of the openvpn server you are trying to connect to.

* install script with "".
* "-kf" clears iptables rules and kills any openvpn processes.
* "-d" now displays server that are not (yet) shown on the nordVPN's site yet but their openvpn files exist.

* now uses "--redirect-gateway" switch for openvpn to force traffic through the tunnel.
* "-b" () now utilises openvpn's "----daemon" switch
* A description added to "-h"
* Shows help when no other argument is given.
* Improved instructions in


Now connect to any servers residing in any country!
A json file has been dynamically generated to get all country name mappings.
'-ls' to list all countries and their country codes.
'-d' shows openvpn (udp-tcp) support


bugfix: Removed Static osIsDebianBased = False


The major features have been implemented.
Proper dns leak patching for Debian based OS's (the ones that use "/sbin/resolvconf").
Manual patching (by editing /etc/resolv.conf) for others.
Bug Fixes and Improvements.


Basic functionalities Implemented.

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