- Added ability to list contents of a "directory" on AWS S3. Directories in the context of OpenS3 are object keys that end in a slash. Eg. "/static/css/"
- Refactored :py:class:`~openS3.ctx_manager.OpenS3` into its own module, :py:mod:`~openS3.ctx_manager`.
- Changed default ACL value to be *private*. - Added :py:meth:`~openS3.ctx_manager.OpenS3.open` method. - Updated :py:meth:`~openS3.ctx_manager.OpenS3.open` to able to be called with a dictionary of extra request headers. - Defined specific modes in which an S3 object can be opened.
- Updated docs with `Travis CI <https://travis-ci.org/logston/openS3>`_ badge.