This release is the first API-breaking change to opensimplex-go. It includes newly contributed normalized noise options, and replaces the Noise struct with an interface, to make room for future options like fractal noise.
New noise options
`Noise32`: A noise interface that takes `float32` values as inputs and returns a `float32`.
`New32(seed)`: Same data as `New()`, but cast to `float32`
`NewNormalized(seed)`: Eval methods return a `float64` in [0, 1).
`NewNormalized32(seed)`: Eval methods return a `float32` in [0, 1).
Replace `NewWithSeed(seed)` with `New(seed)`.
Replace `New()` with `New(0)`.
The `NewWithPerm` function has been removed; please open an issue if you want this back.