- New public dashboard which allows access for all users per default. (361) (changed from the old, limited projector control page)
- New dashboard widgets:
- welcome widget (shows static welcome title and text)
- participant widget
- group widget
- personal widget (shows my motions and my elections)
- Hide scrollbar in projector view.
- Added cache for AJAX version of the projector view.
- Moved projector control icons into projector live widget. (403)
- New weight field for custom slides (to order custom slides in widget).
- Fixed drag'n'drop behaviour of widgets into empty dashboard column.
- Fixed permissions for agenda, motion and assignment widgets (set to projector.can_manage_projector).
- Fixed slide error if agenda item deleted. (330)
- Translation: Changed 'application' to 'motion'.
- Fixed: Manager could not edit supporters. (336)
- Fixed attribute error for anonymous users in motion view. (329)
- Set default sorting of motions by number (in widget).
- CSV import allows to import group as submitter. (419)
- Updated motion code for new user API.
- Rewrote motion views as class based views.
- User can block himself/herself from candidate list after delete his/her candidature.
- Show blocked candidates in separate list.
- Mark elected candidates in candidate list. (374)
- Show linebreaks in description. (392)
- Set default sorting of elections by name (in widget).
- Fixed redirect from a poll which does not exists anymore.
- Changed default permissions of anonymous user to see elections. (334)
- Updated assignment code for new user API.
- New user and group API.
- New group option to handle a group as participant (and thus e.g. as submitter of motion).
- CSV import does not delete existing users anymore and append users as new users.
- New user field 'about me'. (390)
- New config option for sorting users by first or last name (in participant lists, elections and motions). (303)
- Allowed whitespaces in username, default: ``<firstname lastname>`` (326)
- New user and group slides. (176)
- Don't allow to deactivate the administrator or themself.
- Don't allow to delete themself.
- Renamed participant field 'groups' to 'structure level' (German: Gliederungsebene).
- Rewrote participant views as class based views.
- Made OpenSlides user a child model of Django user model.
- Appended tests.
- Fixed error to allow admins to delete anonymous group
- Added French translation (Thanks to Moira).
- Updated setup.py to make an openslides python package.
- Removed frontpage (welcome widget contains it's content) and redirect '/' to dashboard url.
- Added LOCALE_PATHS to openslides_settings to avoid deprecation in Django 1.5.
- Redesigned the DeleteView (append QuestionMixin to send question via the django message API).
- Fixed encoding error in settings.py. (349)
- Renamed openslides_settings.py to openslides_global_settings.py.
- New default path to database file (XDG_DATA_HOME, e.g. ~/.local/share/openslides/).
- New default path to settings file (XDG_CONFIG_HOME, e.g. ~/.config/openslides/).
- Added special handling to determine location of database and settings file in portable version.
- Don't use similar characters in generated passwords (no 'Il10oO').
- Localised the datetime in PDF header. (296)
- Used specific session cookie name. (332)
- Moved code repository from hg to git (incl. some required updates, e.g. version string function).
- Updated German translations.
- Several code optimizations.
- Several minor and medium issues and errors were fixed.