- bugfix: tracking: rootForms must be same type in test_opentaxforms and main.
- css,template: add minimal tester interface. - extract: make cryptic forms annotatable. - html: add pdf link to html page. - main: fix log.name in indicateProgress [still refers to the previous form]. - commandline: -f now takes multiple forms, comma-delimited. - commandline: -C now means useCaches [not ignoreCaches], so the default runs [avoiding the pint registry error]. - make 'setup.py test' work again by adding pytest-runner. - add PyPI version badge to README.md. - remove unused db functions. - bugfix: just import cross-module globals, dont assign. - add logPrefix to config. - add unsetup functions to config and ut for teardown between tests. - pin versions of requirements in setup.py.
- add pylint config file. - fix or silence all pylint errors. - remove unused code from ut.py. - use another project's pylintrc [pylint config file] as a starting point to reduce false positives. - make linting more fine-grained [pylintrc-ut for ut.py, pylintrc for the rest of the code]. - integrate linting with tox. - fail the build only for linting errors, not warnings.
- test: separate read-only database file from the overwritten one in test/. - test: add script to run just the api tests. - test: make api tests print feedback. - fixed all linting errors [according to vim/syntastic] [just errors, not warnings]. - ran pep8ify. - mv opentaxforms.py -> main.py. - main.py: remove sys.setdefaultencoding [and reload]. - remove pointless path from tox env. - README.md fixes/updates. landscape.io suggestions.
- move cmds.computeMath to Form.computeMath. - refactoring cmds.computeMath to reduce function length: - move sentence-level (instruction-level) parsing into class Parser. - create class CommandParser.
- linting via landscape.io, including shortening long lines, removing unused variables, and refactoring some long functions. - fixed all broken doctests. - both cross-module globals, log and cfg, are now importable.