* The write_timeout specified for an EpicsSignalBase is respected by its set() method unless overridden with set(..., timeout=TIMEOUT).
Area Detector PVs related to array shape have been given an order compatible with the numpy array index ordering of the array itself.
* Thread the keyword EpicsSignal.get(..., use_monitor=True) down to the control system. This setting was previously supported but support was removed (years ago). We now view its removal as a mistake.
* When area detector takes a series of images and num_capture is set to 0, this is now interpreted to mean “however many images the detector is configured to acquire” rather than “0 images”.
* Fixed EigerDetectorCam’s photon_energy component’s PV suffix spelling.
* Motor limits HLS and LLS used EpicsSignal when they should be using EpicsSignalRO.
* EpicsSignal with string=True kwarg now correctly results in dtype='string' from .describe() method
* Support for Emergent Vision detectors.
* The class-wide default for write_timeout is now configurable via EpicsSignalBase.set_defaults(). It was previously only configurable on a per-instance basis at initialization time, with the class-wide default hard-coded to None. The class-wide default is still None, unchanged from the previous release.
* The class-wide default for auto_monitor is now configurable via EpicsSignalBase.set_defaults(). It was previously configurable on a per-instance basis at initialization time. The default value, False, has not changed.
* The logging has been tweaked to be less noisy, particularly at import time. Some log messages have been moved from 'ophyd.object' to 'ophyd.control_layer', and the level of messages emitted to 'ophyd.control_layer' have been reduced from INFO to DEBUG. Some log messages have been removed entirely.
* The method EpicsSignalBase.set_default_timeout() has been renamed to EpicsSignalBase.set_defaults() because it has been extended to include more than timeouts, as described above. The old name is still supported but issues a warning that it may be removed in the future.
* Use auto-monitoring in more places in EpicsMotor. This should drastically speed up motor.read_configuration().
* Update ophyd.sim.MockFlyer to use its name as its stream name.
* Capture the create_directory signal on Area Detector FilePlugin as configuration.