Events IIb - Matrix (1070)
Add build subcommand to load config without running bot (1289)
Add Slack interactions support (1279)
Load config from path and show active modules (1271)
Add configuration validation and refactor load_config_file method (1212)
Add initial http/https proxy support (1268)
Token based authentication for Webhook Matcher (1260)
Add Mattermost Connector (1251)
delete operation in opsdroid memory and database connectors (1256)
Change configuration layout - use dictionaries instead of list of dicts (1243)
Adding user id Parmeter in Event class (1116)
Chat as slack bot user (1247)
Make no-cache the default for local skills (1244)
Add IBM Watson parser (1156)
Move shell connector into core (1147)
Update sapcai parser to allow different language when parsing (1149)
Add an option to invert constraints (1099)
Await the OpsDroid.load coroutine (1109)
Bug Fixes
Always run matched events (1286)
Fix issue when dict doesn't update - new layout config (1258)
Fix webhook class skills and update docs (1242)
Remove await from Slack disconnect (1241)
fix: Slack Connector SSL Certificate verification failed issue (1233)
Slack connector ignore message edits (1220)
Appropriate json response updated (1211)
Fix configuration schema location (1187)
Fixes schema.yaml and matrix connector to allow connections to selfho… (1166)
refactor: Reduce Dockerfile steps (1164)
Upgrade Dialogflow to V2 (1056)
Documentation and code quality
Improved Documentation with Fixed Grammar Mistakes (1284)
Add CI for docs links (1249)
Fail sphinx on warnings (1274)
Switch docs to sphinx and refactor (1265)
Document _thinking_delay() and _typing delay() (1184)
Make log messages more consistent and add guidelines (1221)
Watson Matcher in mkdocs (1254)
Update and add Google docstrings for matchers methods (1228)
Add french translation (1209)
type in referenced docs. (1206)
Add examples section (1196)
needs to be ascii (1197)
Update README.md (1194)
Adding steps to work on Windows 10 (1192)
Update Spanish (es) translations (1191)
Added docstrings for functions in main.py (1183)
Update Portuguese Translation (1181)
Updated __init__.py (1179)
Update facebook documentation on how to set up the app (1177)
Add documentation on Python version support (1174)
Increase loader coverage (1175)
Add Greek Translation (1170)
Added Google Style Docstrings to core.py file methods (1161)
Update contributing.md (1165)
chores(webhook): rest-api as baseurl of matechers/webhook link (1157)
add doc string for train_parsers (1151)
adding google-style docstring to print_version (1148)
Fixed README.md header issues (1150)
Fix bug with redis database configuration - db needs to be an int (1135)
Add Polish translation (1136)
typo in ISSUE_TEMPLATE.md (1131)
Additional page fixes. (1124)
Fixed grammatical errors, maintained content consistency (1143)
Added link to crontab matcher link (1144)
Updated docstrings to Google style format - loader (1138)
Fixed small grammar mistakes on the tutorial documentation (1133)
Improve Russian translation (1134)
Make remaining logging messages translatable (1129)
Add german translation (1127)
update example config script (1125)
Update basic-skill.md (1107)
Documentation Fixes. (1121)
Fix test warnings and bump coverage (1119)
Update contributing.md (1117)
Update grammar and text on tutorial introduction (1112)
Replace gitter references to matrix (1098)
Update pyyalm envvar test and remove test skip (1111)
Fix grammar in introduction doc (1110)
Remove Deprecation warning message (1108)