**New Features**
- [\48](https://github.com/dgasmith/opt_einsum/pull/48) Intermediates can now be shared between contractions, see here for more details.
- [\53](https://github.com/dgasmith/opt_einsum/pull/53) Intermediate caching is thread safe.
- [\48](https://github.com/dgasmith/opt_einsum/pull/48) Expressions are now mapped to non-unicode index set so that unicode input is support for all backends.
- [\54](https://github.com/dgasmith/opt_einsum/pull/54) General documentation update.
**Bug fixes**
- [\41](https://github.com/dgasmith/opt_einsum/pull/41) PyTorch indices are mapped back to a small a-z subset valid for PyTorch's einsum implementation.