*Note: this is a first GitHub release of Optax. It includes all changes since the repo was created.*
[Full Changelog](
**Implemented enhancements:**
- Implement lookahead optimiser [\17](
- Implement support for Yogi optimiser [\9](
- Implement rectified Adam [\8](
- Implement gradient centralisation [\7](
- Implement scaling by AdaBelief [\6](
**Closed issues:**
- Multiple optimizers using optax [\59](
- Change masked wrapper to use mask\_fn instead of mask [\57](
- Prevent creating unnecessary momentum variables [\52](
- Implement Differentially Private Stochastic Gradient Descent [\50](
- RMSProp does not match original Tensorflow impl [\49](
- JITted Adam results in NaN when setting decay to integer 0 [\46](
- Option to not decay bias with additive\_weight\_decay [\25](
- Support specifying end\_value for exponential\_decay [\21](
- Schedules for Non-Learning Rate Hyper-parameters [\20](
- Implement OneCycle Learning Rate Schedule [\19](
- adam does not learn? [\18](
- Which JAX-based libraries is optax compatible with? [\14](
- Manually setting the learning\_rate? [\4](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Fix pylint errors. [\73]( ([copybara-service[bot]](
- Add PyPI release workflow and increment the version. [\70]( ([copybara-service[bot]](
- Add flax to requirements for tests. [\69]( ([copybara-service[bot]](
- Add first flax equivalence test. [\68]( ([copybara-service[bot]](
- Targets optional in l2loss and huberloss. [\67]( ([copybara-service[bot]](
- Add .pylintrc and run pylint checks in CI workflow. [\66]( ([copybara-service[bot]](
- Increase optax version [\63]( ([copybara-service[bot]](
- Add utilities for eigenvector and matrix inverse pth root computation. [\62]( ([copybara-service[bot]](
- Add Callable option to optax.masked. [\60]( ([n2cholas](
- Increase optax version for PyPi release. [\58]( ([copybara-service[bot]](
- Add momentum and initial\_scale to RMSProp [\55]( ([rwightman](
- Prevent creating unnecessary momentum variables. [\54]( ([n2cholas](
- Implement DPSGD [\53]( ([n2cholas](
- Add inject\_hyperparams wrapper [\48]( ([n2cholas](
- Format tests and parallelize pytest runs. [\47]( ([copybara-service[bot]](
- Provide a canonical implementation of canonical losses used in gradient based optimisation. [\45]( ([copybara-service[bot]](
- Expose optax transform's init and update function signatures to facilitate type annotation in user code. [\44]( ([copybara-service[bot]](
- Add a transformation and a transformation wrapper. [\43]( ([copybara-service[bot]](
- Update reference arxiv link. [\41]( ([copybara-service[bot]](
- Move equivalence tests to a separate file, as we will be adding more. [\40]( ([copybara-service[bot]](
- Optax: Add MNIST example with Adam optimizer and lookahead wrapper. [\39]( ([copybara-service[bot]](
- Optax: gradient transformation for non-negative parameters. [\38]( ([copybara-service[bot]](
- Aliases support LR schedules in addition to constant scalar LRs. [\37]( ([copybara-service[bot]](
- Optax: add datasets module for image classifier example. [\36]( ([copybara-service[bot]](
- Ensure the number of update functions and states is the same in chain. [\34]( ([copybara-service[bot]](
- Rename `additive_weight_decay` to `add_decayed_weights`. [\33]( ([copybara-service[bot]](
- Remove `scale_by_fromage`. [\32]( ([copybara-service[bot]](
- Add AGC to optax \_\_init\_\_ and add comment noting regarding 1D conv weights. [\30]( ([copybara-service[bot]](
- Clean nits to make loss and hk.transform\(\) slightly more clear. [\29]( ([copybara-service[bot]](
- Disable macos-latest tests \(to speed up CI\) and add CI status badge. [\28]( ([copybara-service[bot]](
- Add a mask wrapper. [\27]( ([n2cholas](
- Support end\_value for exponential\_decay [\26]( ([n2cholas](
- Add piecewise\_interpolate\_schedule, linear\_onecycle, and cos\_onecycle. [\22]( ([n2cholas](
- Yogi [\16]( ([joaogui1](
- Radam [\15]( ([joaogui1](
- gradient centralization [\13]( ([joaogui1](
- Fix haiku\ [\5]( ([asmith26](
\* *This Changelog was automatically generated by [github_changelog_generator](*