Thanks to lewtun the building blocks to write and integrate documentation for `optimum-graphcore` to the main `optimum` documentation is now available.
New notebooks are available:
- Wave2Vec notebooks (142)
- Summarization notebook (153)
- Image classification and language modeling notebooks (152)
Python 3.7+ support
From this release, only Python 3.7 and above are supported.
To use `optimum-graphcore` on Python 3.6 and below, please use `optimum-graphcore==0.3.1`.
- Layerdrop is now supported for HuBERT (149)
- It is possible to provide an `eval_data_collator` (120)
- `pad_on_batch_axis` collator now allows to train / eval models on datasets not dividing the combined batch size by repeating samples for the batch to reach the proper size (154)