Show the best trials of multi-objective optimization and train a neural network with one of the best parameters.
$ STORAGE=sqlite:///example.db
$ STUDY_NAME=example-mo
$ optuna best-trials --storage $STORAGE --study-name $STUDY_NAME
| number | values | datetime_start | datetime_complete | duration | params | state |
| 0 | [0.23884292794146034, 0.6905832476748404] | 2021-10-01 15:02:32 | 2021-10-01 15:02:32 | 0:00:00.035815 | {'lr': 0.05318673615579818, 'optimizer': 'adam'} | COMPLETE |
| 2 | [0.3157886300888031, 0.05110976427394465] | 2021-10-01 15:02:32 | 2021-10-01 15:02:32 | 0:00:00.030019 | {'lr': 0.08044012012204389, 'optimizer': 'sgd'} | COMPLETE |
$ optuna best-trials --storage $STORAGE --study-name $STUDY_NAME --format json > result.json
$ OPTIMIZER=`jq '.[0].params.optimizer' result.json`
$ LR=`jq '.[0]' result.json`
$ python $OPTIMIZER $LR
See 2847 for more details.
Multi-objective Optimization Support of Weights & Biases and MLflow Integrations
Weights & Biases and MLflow integration modules support tracking multi-objective optimization. Now, they accept arbitrary numbers of objective values with metric names.
Weights & Biases
from optuna.integration import WeightsAndBiasesCallback
wandbc = WeightsAndBiasesCallback(metric_name=["mse", "mae"])
study = optuna.create_study(directions=["minimize", "minimize"])
study.optimize(objective, n_trials=100, callbacks=[wandbc])

from optuna.integration import MLflowCallback
mlflc = MLflowCallback(metric_name=["accuracy", "latency"])
study = optuna.create_study(directions=["minimize", "minimize"])
study.optimize(objective, n_trials=100, callbacks=[mlflc])

See 2835 and 2863 for more details.
Breaking Changes
- Align CLI output format (2882)
- In particular, the return format of `optuna ask` has been simplified. The first layer of nesting with the key “trial” is removed. Parsing can be simplified from `jq ‘.trial.params’` to `jq ‘.params’`.
New Features
- Support multi-objective optimization in `WeightsAndBiasesCallback` (2835, thanks xadrianzetx!)
- Introduce trials CLI (2847)
- Support multi-objective optimization in `MLflowCallback` (2863, thanks xadrianzetx!)
- Add Plotly-like interpolation algorithm to `optuna.visualization.matplotlib.plot_contour` (2810, thanks xadrianzetx!)
- Sort values when the categorical values is numerical in `plot_parallel_coordinate` (2821, thanks TakuyaInoue-github!)
- Refactor `MLflowCallback` (2855, thanks xadrianzetx!)
- Minor refactoring of `plot_parallel_coordinate` (2856)
- Update `` (2966, thanks Garve!)
Bug Fixes
- Fix `datetime_complete` in `_CachedStorage` (2846)
- Hyperband no longer assumes it is the only pruner (2879, thanks cowwoc!)
- Fix method `untransform` of `_SearchSpaceTransform` with `distribution.single() == True` (2947, thanks yoshinobc!)
- Avoid `keras` 2.6.0 (2851)
- Drop `tensorflow` and `keras` version constraints (2852)
- Avoid latest `allennlp==2.7.0` (2894)
- Introduce the version constraint of scikit-learn (2953)
- Fix `bounds`' shape in the document (2830)
- Simplify documentation of `FrozenTrial` (2833)
- Fix typo: replace CirclCI with CircleCI (2840)
- Added alternative callback function 2844 (2845, thanks DeviousLab!)
- Update URL of cmaes repository (2857)
- Improve the docstring of `MLflowCallback` (2883)
- Fix `create_trial` document (2888)
- Fix an argument in docstring of `_CachedStorage` (2917)
- Use `:obj:` for `True`, `False`, and `None` instead of inline code (2922)
- Use inline code syntax for `constraints_func` (2930)
- Add link to Weights & Biases example (2962, thanks xadrianzetx!)
- Do not use latest `keras==2.6.0` (
- Fix typo in Dask-ML GitHub Action workflow (, thanks jrbourbeau!)
- Support Python 3.9 for TensorFlow and MLFlow (
- Replace deprecated argument `lr` with `learning_rate` in tf.keras (
- Avoid latest `allennlp==2.7.0` (
- Save checkpoint to tmpfile and rename it (
- PyTorch checkpoint cosmetics (
- Add Weights & Biases example (, thanks xadrianzetx!)
- Use `MLflowCallback` in MLflow example (, thanks xadrianzetx!)
- Fixed relational operator not including `1` (2865, thanks Yu212!)
- Add scenario tests for samplers (2869)
- Add test cases for storage upgrade (2890)
- Add test cases for `show_progress_bar` of `optimize` (2900, thanks xadrianzetx!)
- Speed-up sampler tests by using random sampling of skopt (2910)
- Fixes `namedtuple` type name (2961, thanks sobolevn!)
Code Fixes
- Changed y-axis and x-axis access according to matplotlib docs (2834, thanks 01-vyom!)
- Fix a BoTorch deprecation warning (2861)
- Relax metric name type hinting in `WeightsAndBiasesCallback` (2884, thanks xadrianzetx!)
- Fix recent `alembic` 1.7.0 type hint error (2887)
- Remove old unused `Trial._after_func` method (2899)
- Fixes `namedtuple` type name (2961, thanks sobolevn!)
Continuous Integration
- Enable act to run for other workflows (2656)
- Drop `tensorflow` and `keras` version constraints (2852)
- Avoid segmentation fault of `` on macOS (2896)
- Preinstall RDB binding Python libraries in Docker image (2818)
- Bump to (2829)
- Bump to v2.10.0 (2975)
Thanks to All the Contributors!
This release was made possible by the authors and the people who participated in the reviews and discussions.
01-vyom, Crissman, DeviousLab, Garve, HideakiImamura, TakuyaInoue-github, Yu212, c-bata, cowwoc, himkt, hvy, jrbourbeau, keisuke-umezawa, not522, nzw0301, sobolevn, toshihikoyanase, xadrianzetx, yoshinobc