
Latest version: v0.3.7

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What's Changed
* Allow expr_matches to better handle presence of extra data by PhilReinhold in https://github.com/openqasm/oqpy/pull/93
* fix regression with cache by jcjaskula-aws in https://github.com/openqasm/oqpy/pull/95
* Bump version to 0.3.7 by jcjaskula-aws in https://github.com/openqasm/oqpy/pull/97

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/openqasm/oqpy/compare/v0.3.6...v0.3.7


What's Changed
* Construct machine-sized typed clasical variables by jcjaskula-aws in https://github.com/openqasm/oqpy/pull/90
* Add README badges by speller26 in https://github.com/openqasm/oqpy/pull/84
* update packages for dependabot by jcjaskula-aws in https://github.com/openqasm/oqpy/pull/88
* Consider cases when ExpressionConvertible returns float, int, duration by jcjaskula-aws in https://github.com/openqasm/oqpy/pull/89
* Bump urllib3 from 2.1.0 to 2.2.2 by dependabot in https://github.com/openqasm/oqpy/pull/92
* Bump version to 0.3.6 by jcjaskula-aws in https://github.com/openqasm/oqpy/pull/91

New Contributors
* speller26 made their first contribution in https://github.com/openqasm/oqpy/pull/84

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/openqasm/oqpy/compare/v0.3.5...v0.3.6


What's Changed
* Allow custom ExternArgument in extern declaration by anuragm in https://github.com/openqasm/oqpy/pull/83
* Raise an exception for delays or boxes with known negative duration by braised-babbage in https://github.com/openqasm/oqpy/pull/85
* Convert ExpressionConvertible to duration by jcjaskula-aws in https://github.com/openqasm/oqpy/pull/86
* Bump version to 0.3.5 by jcjaskula-aws in https://github.com/openqasm/oqpy/pull/87

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/openqasm/oqpy/compare/v0.3.4...v0.3.5


What's Changed
* Specify cache key via protocol by PhilReinhold in https://github.com/openqasm/oqpy/pull/80

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/openqasm/oqpy/compare/v0.3.3...v0.3.4


What's Changed
* Fix subroutines with array arguments by jcjaskula-aws in https://github.com/openqasm/oqpy/pull/77
* Update CITATION.cff to include v0.3.2 authors by karalekas in https://github.com/openqasm/oqpy/pull/79
* Bump version to 0.3.3 by jcjaskula-aws in https://github.com/openqasm/oqpy/pull/78

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/openqasm/oqpy/compare/v0.3.2...v0.3.3


* Allow use of Python slice objects to index oqpy array types
* Add `CachedExpressionConvertible` protocol to allow foreign types to cache their conversion methods
* Allow `Program.function_call` to specify an output variable
* Add support for gate definitions and gate modifiers
* Allow externs without arguments or return values

What's Changed
* update mypy by jcjaskula-aws in https://github.com/openqasm/oqpy/pull/56
* Allow externs with no arguments and no return value by anuragm in https://github.com/openqasm/oqpy/pull/58
* fix dependabot issues by jcjaskula-aws in https://github.com/openqasm/oqpy/pull/57
* Add oqpy.gate for gate definitions by rmshaffer in https://github.com/openqasm/oqpy/pull/60
* drop Python 3.7 by jcjaskula-aws in https://github.com/openqasm/oqpy/pull/65
* Add .include method by braised-babbage in https://github.com/openqasm/oqpy/pull/66
* Qubit and BitVar supports get item by yitchen-tim in https://github.com/openqasm/oqpy/pull/67
* update qubit array test by jcjaskula-aws in https://github.com/openqasm/oqpy/pull/68
* Add CachedExpressionConvertible by braised-babbage in https://github.com/openqasm/oqpy/pull/72
* support output assignment for function calls by yitchen-tim in https://github.com/openqasm/oqpy/pull/70
* Simplified implementation of gate modifiers by jcjaskula-aws in https://github.com/openqasm/oqpy/pull/64
* Convert python slice into AST node by jcjaskula-aws in https://github.com/openqasm/oqpy/pull/73
* Improve test coverage by jcjaskula-aws in https://github.com/openqasm/oqpy/pull/74
* Keep the arg names in OQFunctionCall by jcjaskula-aws in https://github.com/openqasm/oqpy/pull/75
* Bump version to 0.3.2 by jcjaskula-aws in https://github.com/openqasm/oqpy/pull/76

New Contributors
* rmshaffer made their first contribution in https://github.com/openqasm/oqpy/pull/60
* braised-babbage made their first contribution in https://github.com/openqasm/oqpy/pull/66
* yitchen-tim made their first contribution in https://github.com/openqasm/oqpy/pull/67

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/openqasm/oqpy/compare/v0.3.1...v0.3.2

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