- Added argument to set the CAN bus type. The `"virtual"` bus type is upper useful for Mac users and for unit tests. The `"socketcand"` bus type can be use to remotely connect to FlatSat. Default is still `"socketcan"`.
- Removed repeated argument parsing code between `olaf/__init__.py` and `run.py`, both still have the same functionality.
- Added `time_since_boot` value to heartbeat data for `MasterNode`. Useful for the C3, as it wont be effect by time changes.
- Added a`Eeprom` class to get hardware info from the Octavo A8's EEPROM. The class is used to try to get the hardware version in`olaf_setup()`; the value can be overwritten with the `-w/--hardware-version` runtime flag.
- Package version is set using `setuptools-scm`, which will use git tag (not a manually updated `__version__` variable in `__init__.py`) for versioning. If the package is built of off non-tagged commit, it will include a partial commit hash, and date in the version; e.g.: `0.3.2.dev9+g9afbd58.d20240224`.
- Removed CAN/CANopen docs. See the new CAN/CANopen primers at https://oresat-software.readthedocs.io/en/latest/index.html
- To support the bus type change, the args for `Node` and `MasterNode` did change, but these are generally abstracted away from apps with `olaf_setup()`.