
Latest version: v0.4.3

Safety actively analyzes 683322 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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*As always, but particularly in this case, please backup your database before installing this version.*

Quite a few changes in this release, but few breaking. The headline feature is database migrations, courtesy of Flask-Alembic.

* The logging “file” configuration option is now “directory” and should point to a directory rather than a file. The default has accordingly been updated from /var/log/orlo/app.log to /var/log/orlo.
* The “propagate_exceptions” option has been moved from [main] to a new [flask] section.
* The planned deployment functionality has been removed, this was an overreach in terms of scope.
* Database migrations have been added. As the state of any existing database is somewhat unpredictable, Orlo will attempt an initial migration, and if it fails with a “table already exists” error it will stamp it with the initial database revision. This could cause problems down the line if the database state does not match what is expected, but hopefully this won’t be the case!
* The environment variables ORLO_LOGDIR and ORLO_CONFIG will now override the logdir and config file options respectively. This is currently only used for tests.
* Release_id has been added to the output of packages.
* The default sort order of releases has been reversed. Previously by default we returned releases in ascending order, with the option to reverse this by setting desc=true. The desc option has now been removed in favour of ‘asc’.
* /releases now has a default limit of 100, rather than prompting you to set a filter if called with no parameters.
* There is a new /internal/version endpoint so you can see what version of Orlo is running.

This release has been uploaded to pypi.


Orlo 0.3.0 was never published to pypi, this should rectify that situation.

The changes since 0.2.0 are mainly build, refinement and bug-fixing, but they break the client hence bumping the minor version.


Orlo is now testing and working against Python 3.5. At present I still recommend using 2.7, as this is the primary target platform, but I expect this to shift as Ubuntu Xenial is more widely adopted.

This tag is published as the same version on pip.

In addition to a plethora of bug fixes, there is now support for authentication with tokens, but it is not well tested or documented. See the git log for details, I try to keep it relatively tidy.


This release fixes most of the significant issues with the stats API, but many still remain


This is the first production version of Orlo. It is suitable for gathering release information and should be stable enough for production use. Please open an issue if you encounter any problems.

While retrieving releases should be reliable, the stats functions are definitely in a beta state and will require a bit more work to support the UI. At present they will sometimes give good results, but don't rely on them yet.


First release that is ready for testing and feedback



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