- Show additional changeset metadata information (570) - Add My Changesets and My Reviews links to the user menu (575)
- Update default from date query to 2 days or 30 in case of users query (563) - Fix date parsing on the Discussions tab (561)
- Fix bug in changeset date_lte query format
- Replace momentjs by date-fns (554) - Update react-datepicker to 4.1.1 (554) - Update TurfJS libraries (558) - Improve location filters with debounce and a better geometry simplification (558)
- Update changeset-map to 1.10.0 (553) - Allow users to flag features (553) - Remove 10-character limit on the username sidebar button (551) - Fix description of "Editor" filter field (550) - New create and edit teams form (557)
- Add icon on changeset list to indicate if user is trusted or watchlisted (545)