
Latest version: v2.0.1

Safety actively analyzes 693883 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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- improve memory efficiency during graph creation (1021 1029)
- improve log messaging (1032)
- add version number to XML generator attribute in save_graph_xml (1031)
- warn user if loading a .osm XML file generated by OSMnx itself (1031)
- add style keyword argument to citation function (1034)


- fix bug in save_graph_xml due to roundabout ways (986 999)
- fix GeoPandas future warning (1012)
- make API key properly optional in elevation.add_node_elevations_google function (999)
- rename geometries module as features module and deprecate geometries module (1007 1011)
- remove private \_polygon_features module and move its data to features module (994)
- make the internal downloader module private (1010)
- deprecate interpolate parameter in distance.nearest_edges function (1010)
- move save_graph_xml function to io module with deprecation warning in osm_xml module (1017)
- migrate from setup.py, setup.cfg, and requirements.txt to pyproject.toml (1002)
- pin optional dependencies to minimum required versions (995)
- expand and reorganize the documentation (993)


- verify edge weight attribute values before solving shortest paths (967)
- provide consistent error when no data elements are returned from Overpass (960)
- add route_to_gdf function to utils_graph module to return a GeoDataFrame of the edges in a path (957)
- deprecate the get_route_edge_attributes function in favor of the new route_to_gdf function (957)
- deprecate folium module in favor of using geopandas.GeoDataFrame.explore directly (957)
- deprecate precision parameter in bearing, distance, elevation, and speed modules' functions (981)
- deprecate utils_geo.round_geometry_coords function (981)
- move plot_orientation function from bearing module to plot module (956)
- make matplotlib an optional dependency required only for the plot module (976)
- drop pyproj package dependency (980)


- restore Python 3.8 compatibility (965)


- improve DNS resolution when using proxies or on networks blocking DNS-over-HTTPS (924 953)
- improve processing of per-lane values when adding edge speeds (944 955)
- improve file writing in save_graph_xml function (917 961)
- ensure node coordinates are non-null and convertible to float in the add_edge_lengths function (950)
- ignore ways tagged highway=no or highway=razed in built-in filters (938)
- do not assume an edge with key=0 exists between each node pair when simplifying graph (921)
- drop dateutil package dependency (919)


- fully support Shapely 2.0 and drop support for Shapely 1.x (900)
- drop RTree package dependency (900)
- much faster nearest edges search using STRTree index (900)
- allow using alternative Google Maps compatible elevation APIs, such as Open Topo Data (901 903)
- optionally track merged_edges as a new edge attribute in simplify_graph function (892 909)

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