
Latest version: v3.9.0

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- Performance improvements: [smaller delays when opening and navigating a remote triplestore](https://github.com/simphony/osp-core/pull/756), [faster access to namespace elements](https://github.com/simphony/osp-core/pull/764).
- Imported CUDS now [keep their original IRIs](https://github.com/simphony/osp-core/pull/759). The previous behaviour was assigning an UUID to them, and adding a reference to their original IRI through an `owl:sameAs` predicate.
- _pico_ can now be used from within the Python interpreter as a module, see the usage instructions on the [documentation](https://simphony.readthedocs.io/en/latest/utils.html#using-pico-as-a-python-module).
- _pico_ has slightly improved its dependency management. It will impede the uninstallation of ontology packages that are dependencies of other packages (but still provide instructions on how to uninstall all of them together) and it will automatically install the dependencies of a package if such dependencies are bundled with OSP-core.
- Added limited support for RDFS vocabularies (only classes are supported, not relationships). They can be installed in the same way as OWL ontologies are, check the [documentation](https://simphony.readthedocs.io/en/latest/working_with_ontologies.html#owl-ontologies-and-rdfs-vocabularies) for more details.
- OSP-core's code is now required to be formatted with [black](https://github.com/psf/black) and [isort](https://github.com/PyCQA/isort). Several [other code style conventions](https://github.com/simphony/osp-core/blob/master/.pre-commit-config.yaml) are also enforced. If you are a contributor, please check the [_"Contribute"_](https://simphony.readthedocs.io/en/latest/contribute.html#code-style) section of the documentation for details on how to apply this formatting automatically.


- OSP-core is [now available on PyPI](https://pypi.org/project/osp-core/).
- When committing data within a session, OSP-core generates a warning when CUDS that have been used in the session (e.g. newly created) are unreachable from the wrapper object (the session's root). Generating this warning involves traversing the connected component of the graph containing the root, which is computationally expensive. Users will now be warned when they are working with a large dataset, so that they can turn off the unreachable CUDS warning when working with large datasets. Instructions on how to turn off the unreachable CUDS warning are provided within the large dataset warning itself.
- Fixed [bug](https://github.com/simphony/osp-core/issues/743) that dropped the connection of the transport session during long data transfers.
- Fixed [bug](https://github.com/simphony/osp-core/issues/749) that impeded the installation of ontologies with entities with multiple labels assigned when some of them had a language defined and some of them did not. The installation also did not work when the same entity had the same label but defined with multiple label predicates (e.g. `rdfs:label` and `skos:prefLabel` simultaneously).


Critical bugfix release:

- Fixed _"Transport session not working with Python 3.10"_ (740).


- Performance improvements for some CUDS API methods (see [benchmark results](https://simphony.github.io/osp-core/dev/bench/index.html)).
- Drop _"-beta"_ label for releases.


Critical bugfix release:

- The Dockerfile was not working. It is now functional.


- The `format` keyword is no longer mandatory on ontology YML configuration files. When not present, OSP-core will try to guess the format from the file extension. If such guess fails though, it will still have to be provided.
- OSP-core now uses `rdflib >= 6.0.0, < 7.0.0` for users who have `python >= 3.7` installed. This translates to performance improvements in some cases, see [the benchmarks page](https://simphony.github.io/osp-core/dev/bench/index.html). For users who have `python < 3.7` installed, `rdflib==5.0.0` is still used, as the newer version requires `python >= 3.7`. This implies that at some point in the medium term, OSP-core's support for Python 3.6 will be dropped.
- Other minor changes (see the [full changelog](https://github.com/simphony/osp-core/compare/v3.5.7-beta...v3.5.8-beta)).

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