
Latest version: v0.20.5

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- Add 293: add hacked email search
- Fix 312: Update cardinghispano usufy wrapper
- Fix 311: Set --is_leaked option as default for mailfy
- Fix several false positives in domainfy resolution
- Remove tuporno and genspot wrappers

0.18.2, 2018/02/11 -- Add OSRFramework CLI.
- Add feature: Add OSRFramework CLI with subcommands to invoke its utils
- Fix 310: The houzz.es platform is no working properly
- Fix 209: Remove Kiwi.qa wrapper
- Patch issue: Sourceforge moved to pending as it does not work
- Patch issue: Remove netlog wrapper after the website rebrand to twoo.com

0.18.1, 2018/02/04 -- Fix several issues.
- Fix 305: Peerbackers wrapper takes to long to be resolve, delaying the answer
- Fix 304: Multiple erros in entify.py
- Fix 302: alias_generator fails with main
- Fix 263: Problem with searchfy on facebook


- Add feature 294: Add freemusicarchive.org usufy wrapper
- Add feature: Update osrframework to match the new entry_points-friendly structure
- Add feature: Update the way of launching the command removing the extension from the applications
- Separate osrframework_server, osrframework_maltego and osrframework_console from the core wrapper
- Patch issue 300: Remove Skype features
- Fix some issues with non-working wrappers
- Remove any reference to Maltego code generation


- Fix issue 295: addressed the error found when exiting osrfconsole.py
- Fix issue in gsmspain usufy wrapper
- Fix issue in Bubok wrapper
- Patch issue that was opening too many browser windows if no browser was opened
- Remove castroller.com wrapper
- Remove Karmacracy wrapper. Thank you for these years, KCY!


- Add feature 290: Add thiscrush.com as a new usufy platform
- Add feature: Add Mastodon.social and Mastodon.xyz platforms
- Add feature: Add noip.com subdomains
- Fix issue 291: Fix bebee usufy platform
- Fix issue in domainfy that tried a Whois info request if a TLD classified as other was found
- Fix issue in domainfy of several false positives
- Fix issue with false positives in Kiwi for usernames longer than 16
- Fix several tags for some platforms
- Fix issue with Rapid7 forums by removing it

0.17.2, 2017/08/21 -- Fixes with some usernames in Kiwi and Smugmug.
- Fix issue 288: Remove the `.` as a valid character for usernames in Smugmug
- Fix issue 287: Remove the `.` as a valid character for usernames in Kiwi
- Move to pending Oroom and Backyardchickens

0.17.1, 2017/08/20 -- Some fixes and new wrappers.
- Add feature 284: Add Sarahah usufy wrapper
- Add feature 283: Add Kiwi usufy wrapper
- Fix issue 286: Remove intersect.es wrapper as the platform has been changed
- Fix issue 282: Fix openstreetmap usufy wrapper when using usernames containing a dot
- Fix issue 280: Fix serieadictos usufy wrapper
- Fix issue 279: Fix bebee usufy wrapper
- Fix some issues in osrframework_server and the configuration file


- Add feature 267: Add a leaked email search using HaveIBeenPwned.
- Add feature 168: Add Get as a new platform
- Add feature: Add Seatwish usufy wrapper
- Add feature: Add Xtube usufy wrapper
- Add feature: Add coloured output in usufy, mailfy, searchfy, phonefy, entify, osrfconsole and domainfy
- Add feature: Add colorama utils to general
- Fix issue 278: Remove bladna.nl usufy wrapper
- Fix issue 276: Fix trip.com usufy wrapper
- Fix issue 275: Remove Travian forum usufy wrapper
- Fix issue 274: Remove Carder usufy wrapper
- Update the print functions
- Fix some issues regarding to the display of the license
- Patch issue 277: Fix creativemarket usufy wrapper
- General update of the way in which functions in `osrframework.utils.general` are documented as well as removal of unneeded functions.
- Remove a hack in the export function to set the encoding that implied setting the default encoding using `sys.setdefaultencoding()` and resetting it back after the export.

0.16.8, 2017/06/22 -- Important update on the setup.py to verify whether the .local/bin folder is in the path.
- Fix issue 187: Review installation with --user in Linux systems where ~/.local/bin is NOT in the PATH
- Fix issue: Several wrappers have been moved to pending: cardingbins, retailmenot, seatfish and xtube

0.16.7, 2017/06/15 -- Several fixes on certain platforms.
- Temporally removed some wrappers: apsense, flavors, paypal, pinterest, sokule and wordpress
- Fix issue 265: False positives in domainfy
- Fix Dockerfile by removing an unnecessary `sudo`.

0.16.6, 2017/05/28 -- Several fixes domainfy.py options.
- Add feature 255: Add Metasploit forums as a new usufy wrapper
- Add feature 254: Add Steemit.com as a new usufy platform
- Add feature 253: Add cryptofresh as a new usufy platform
- Fix issue 262: Twitpic now only redirects to Twitter! Thanks for these years, guys!
- Fix issue 261: Paypal.me usufy wrapper is throwing false positives
- Fix issue 260: Ello.co has changed its error message
- Fix issue 259: Gogobot has been moved to trip.com
- Fix issue 258: Launching usufy.py -n whatever -t all crashes the app
- Fix issue 256: Wrong command shown when stopping domainfy
- Fix issue: Rename rapid forum to rapid_i as the platform is rapid-i.com
- Fix issue: -u option in domainfy.py was not working appropiately
- Fix issue: Appropiately showing the list of pending domains in domainfy

0.16.5, 2017/04/30 -- Fix mailfy.py by adding a timeout to the verifications.
- Fix issue 251: Mailfy seems to be crashing persistently
- Minor refactoring of the mailfy.py documentation and comments

0.16.4, 2017/04/25 -- Fix some OSRFramework false positives and add Taringa, TheVerge and Openstreetmap.
- Add feature 246: Add theverge.com as a new usufy platform
- Add feature 238: Add Taringa as a new usufy wrapper
- Add feature 236: Add Openstreetmap as a new usufy wrapper
- Fix issue 250: Pinterest wrapper is throwing sometimes false positives
- Fix issue 249: Ixgames usufy wrapper is throwing false positives
- Fix issue 248: Echatta usufy wrapper is throwing false positives
- Fix issue: Break.com was throwing false positives
- Fix issue: Cartodb was throwing false positives
- Fix issue: Creativemarket was throwing false positives
- Rearrange some tags in certain platforms

0.16.3, 2017/04/13 -- Fix OSRFramework false positives.
- Fix issue 245: Fix BookOfMatches usufy wrapper
- Fix issue 244: Fix Pinterest usufy wrapper
- Fix issue 243: Domainfy.py is throwing some false positives
- Move Stuff platform to pending. It seems that it now permits comments using Facebook Connect

0.16.2, 2017/03/25 -- Fix OSRFramework false positives.
- Fix issue 240: Fix Dreamstime.me usufy wrapper that is throwing false positives
- Fix issue 239: Fix Paypal.me usufy wrapper that is throwing false positives

0.16.1, 2017/03/12 -- Fix OSRFramework Server installation.
- Fix issue: Templates and static files were not appropiately dealt by setup.py

0.16.0, 2017/03/10 -- New major release after participation in the Mobile World Congress Event.
- Add feature 228: Add Mozilla as a new usufy platform
- Add feature 226: Provide a docker file to let users install easily using Docker
- Add feature 223: Providing an API to permit interaction by third party apps
- Add feature 201: Add Mozilla as a new usufy platform
- Add feature 196: Add Goblinrefuge as a new usufy platform
- Add feature 195: Add NotABug as a new usufy platform
- Add feature 193: Add Crowdin as a new usufy platform
- Add feature 143: Consider adding beBee to supported platforms
- Add feature: Add new wrappers as cardingbins.py and unioncarder.py
- Add feature: Provide a domainfy.py Maltego transform
- Add feature: Provide an API to be used by other applications
- Add feature: Provide a GUI to make it easier to launch the commands for newcomers
- Add feature: Add metadata extraction for all usufy wrappers starting with 'a'
- Add feature: Add metadata extraction for all usufy wrappers starting with 'b'
- Add feature: Add Affilorama as a new usufy platform
- Add feature: Add Abou as a new usufy platform
- Add feature: Add Canva as a new usufy platform
- Add feature: Add Cash as a new usufy platform
- Add feature: Add Codecademy as a new usufy platform
- Add feature: Add Coderwall as a new usufy platform
- Add feature: Add Flavors as a new usufy platform
- Add feature: Add iFunny as a new usufy platform
- Add feature: Add Moneymaker as a new usufy platform
- Add feature: Add Okcupid as a new usufy platform
- Add feature: Add Reddit as a new usufy platform
- Add feature: Add Reddit as a new usufy platform
- Add feature: Add V7n as a new usufy platform
- Add feature: Add Viddler as a new usufy platform
- Add feature: Add Wikia as a new usufy platform
- Add feature: Add Bandcamp as a new usufy platform
- Add feature: Add Codementor as a new usufy platform
- Add feature: Add Colourlovers as a new usufy platform
- Add feature: Add Contently as a new usufy platform
- Add feature: Add Creativemarket as a new usufy platform
- Add feature: Add Crokes as a new usufy platform
- Add feature: Add Eightbitme as a new usufy platform
- Add feature: Add Ello as a new usufy platform
- Add feature: Add EyEem as a new usufy platform
- Add feature: Add F6s as a new usufy platform
- Add feature: Add Fiverr as a new usufy platform
- Add feature: Add Fotolog as a new usufy platform
- Add feature: Add Houzz as a new usufy platform
- Add feature: Add Mig as a new usufy platform
- Add feature: Add Miiverse as a new usufy platform
- Add feature: Add Openbugbounty as a new usufy platform
- Add feature: Add Papaly as a new usufy platform
- Add feature: Add Patreon as a new usufy platform
- Add feature: Add Paypal as a new usufy platform
- Add feature: Add Phishtank as a new usufy platform
- Add feature: Add Reverbnation as a new usufy platform
- Add feature: Add Seatwish as a new usufy platform
- Add feature: Add Soup as a new usufy platform
- Add feature: Add Technorati as a new usufy platform
- Add feature: Add Trakt as a new usufy platform
- Add feature: Add Venmo as a new usufy platform
- Add feature: Add Witty as a new usufy platform
- Add feature: Add Younow as a new usufy platform
- Add feature: Add Dzone as a new usufy platform
- Add feature: Add Dreamstime as a new usufy platform
- Add feature: Add Myfitnesspal as a new usufy platform
- Add feature: Add Datpiff as a new usufy platform
- Add new subdomains to domainfy in the category other
- Fix issue 224: Deal with arrays in an entity's value to create two entities of the same type

0.15.0, 2017/02/16 -- New major release. Add new wrappers to usufy, mailfy and domainfy. Fix important bugs.
- Add feature 206: Appropiately capturing Ctrl + C Exceptions to stop the execution feature
- Add feature 190: Add a new error message to angel.co
- Add feature 189: Add protonmail.ch as a new mailfy wrapper
- Add feature 186: Add translate.hola.org as a new usufy wrapper
- Add feature 185: Add meteor.com as a new platform
- Add feature 174: Add emoneyspace as a new platform
- Add feature 161: Making osrfconsole use config values in <OSRFrameworkHOME>/general.cfg
- Add feature 77: Add Blogmarks as a new platform
- Add feature 76: Add Smugmug as a new platform
- Add feature 75: Add Typepad as a new platform
- Add feature 17: Addition of Gravatar
- Add feature: Add exclude option via the command line to usufy, mailfy, domainfy, searchfy and phonefy
- Add feature: Add exclude option via the configuration file to usufy, mailfy, domainfy, searchfy and phonefy
- Add feature: Add other common subdomains to domainfy under the domains/other_subdomains.py
- Add feature: Add Buddypic wrapper
- Add feature: Add Carder wrapper
- Add feature: Add Csu wrapper
- Add feature: Add Realcarders wrapper
- Add feature: Add SingleTrackWorld wrapper
- Add feature: Add TranslateHola wrapper
- Add feature: Add Warrior wrapper
- Add feature: Add me.com, icloud.com and seznam.cz to mailfy
- Add feature: Add second level TLDs to domainfy for CCTLD *.nz, *.pe, *.py and *.uk
- Add feature: Custom errors for OSRFramework
- Add feature: Some new structures for the usufy fuzzer
- Add feature: Let users configure the connections to an HTTP and an HTTPS proxy
- Add feature: Let users see the list of tags that they can use to select the platforms.
- Fix issue 219: 0.15.0rc9 raises an exception if it has upgraded
- Fix issue 212: Badoo throws false positives
- Fix issue 210: Gsmspain throws false positives
- Fix issue 208: Web.tv throws false positives
- Fix issue 205: Return in each main file a Json with the results instead of nothing
- Fix issue 204: Fix error messages shown in domainfy.py
- Fix issue 200: Deactivate Youku usufy wrapper
- Fix issue 199: Deactivate Gytorrents usufy wrapper
- Fix issue 198: Change Web.tv error message
- Fix issue 197: Change Metacafe error message
- Fix issue 188: Capture exceptions when errors are found in the configuration files bug deployment
- Fix issue 182: Cannot install in virtualenv
- Fix issue 169: searchfy.py --maltego doesn't disable banner
- Fix issue 121 by urlencoding each and every parameter provided to usufy, searchfy and phonefy. Indirectly fixes issue 91
- Fix issue: Overwrite previous browser.cfg and general.cfg files
- Fix issue: Reactivate tag search in usufy
- Fix issue: Remove autoopen Skype client if it is not already opened
- Fix issue: Update user-agent to a more modern one
- Fix issue: Remove Nubelo wrapper
- Fix issue: Remove libero.it from mailfy as it is no longer working
- Fix issue: Deactivate false positives in mailfy for aaathats3as.com, cocaine.ninja, cock.lu, cock.email, firemail.cc, getbackinthe.kitchen, hitler.rocks, memeware.net and waifu.club from cock.li server as well as other false positives in mailfy for noob.com and wp.pl
- Fix issue: Remove default proxies for HTTP and HTTPS
- Patch issue 220: Hellboundhackers takes too much time to be processed (moved to pending)
- Patch issue 218: CSU throws false positives (moved to pending)
- Patch issue 217: Plancast takes too much time to be processed (moved to pending)
- Patch issue 216: Aporrealos takes too much time to be processed (moved to pending)
- Patch issue 215: Artbreak takes too much time to be processed (moved to pending)
- Patch issue 214: Gitorious takes too much time to be processed (moved to pending)
- Patch issue 213: Fanbitcoin takes too much time to be processed (moved to pending)
- Patch issue 211: Dailymail throws false positives (moved to pending)
- Patch issue 209: Espaciolinux throws false positives (moved to pending)
- Patch issue 207: forocompraventa throws false positives (moved to pending)

0.14.5, 2016/12/09 -- Add Zotero, Leakforums, CardingHispano, MercadoLibre, Angel, Forospyware, Bubok, etc. (up to 22 new wrappers).
- Add feature 148: Adding Inkonsky as a new platform.
- Add feature 142: Adding angel.co as a new usufy platform.
- Add feature 111: Adding Zotero as a new wrapper.
- Add feature 110: Adding Bitrated.me as a new platform.
- Add feature 109: Adding Spreaker as a new platform.
- Add feature 97: Adding ripenear.me as a new platform.
- Add feature 96: Adding warriorforum as a new platform with usufy.
- Add feature 94: Adding cartodb.com as a platform with usufy.
- Add feature 85: Add muetorrent as a new wrapper. Renamed as a gytorrents.
- Add feature: Add bubok wrapper.
- Add feature: Add cardingmx wrapper.
- Add feature: Add ccm wrapper.
- Add feature: Add espaciolinux wrapper.
- Add feature: Add forocompraventa wrapper.
- Add feature: Add foroptc wrapper.
- Add feature: Add foros24h wrapper.
- Add feature: Add forosspyware wrapper.
- Add feature: Add htcmania wrapper.
- Add feature: Add losviajeros wrapper.
- Add feature: Add leakforums wrapper.
- Add feature: Add cardinghispano wrapper.
- Add feature: Add mercadolibre wrapper.
- Add __author__ and __version__ to the wrappers template.
- Fix issue 183: Web.tv has changed its error.
- Fix issue 180: Artician wrapper is not working. Moved to pending.
- Put in quarantine: unsystem and forominecraft.
- Fix issue: Grab database error in anarchy101.py wrapper.
- Issue 181, required no action.

0.14.4, 2016/11/06 -- Fix issues 178 and 179 with connectingsingles.com.
- Fix issue 178: Mailfy not working on Windows.
- Fix issue 179: Connecting singles has changed its error.

0.14.3, 2016/11/04 -- Fix important issue when deploying on Windows after 0.14.0.
- Fix issue 177. Found an issue when installing on Windows 0.14.2.
- Removed temporary files from /tmp when thet are created.

0.14.2, 2016/10/21 -- Add features 106 and 107 and fix 176.
- Add feature 107: Add keybase.io as a new platform.
- Add feature 106: Add freekabcer as a new platform.
- Fix issue 176: Fix Fanpop error message.

0.14.1, 2016/10/15 -- Fix issues related to the installation procedure and adding some new platforms.
- Add feature 95: Nairaland forum has usufy.
- Add feature 108: Adding coinbase.com as a new platform.
- Fix issue 173: Setup.py requires being in the sudoers list even when installing for a single user.
- Patch issue 175: Moved Naver to pending.
- Patched an issue in usufy.py that may throw errors when None is returned by getPageWrapper (which should just not happen).

0.14.0, 2016/09/30 -- Added domainfy as a tool to verify the existence of domains and first release of osrfconsole, a console GUI similar to msfconsole.
- Add domainfy.py application to check the existence of several domains using socket.gethostbyname().
- Add osrfconsole script to control de utilities in the framework to address issue 158.
- Add general.cfg to address issue 92 and, indirectly, issue 156.
- Modify the shebang of alias_generator, domainfy, entify, enumeration, mailfy, osrfconsole, phonefy, searchfy and usufy to `!/usr/bin/env python2`.
- Fix issue 172: Remove ummahforum platform.
- Fix issue 171: Dnspython module does not work in Windows.
- Add feature 170: Add OneName as a new usufy platform.
- Fix issue 166: The PLATFORMS variable in osrfconsole does not accept various entries.
- Fix issue 165: Osrfconsole back command exists instead of unloading.
- Add feature 163: Adding tip.me as a new platform.
- Add feature 159: Adding a Console UI to help beginners. Osrfconsole.py is released.
- Add feature 158: Complementing domain search using whois info in domain finder script.
- Add feature 157: Adding domain search in a new script.

0.13.2, 2016/07/23 -- Fixed issue 154: OSRFramework 0.13.1 is installed but throws an error when launching usufy.py.
- Evilzone and Thepiratebay wrappers have been moved to pending as they are conflicting with Skype.
- Some changes performed in the way in which Skype logs the messages in the console.

0.13.1, 2016/07/20 -- Fixed a deployment issue with versions which are older than 0.13.0.
- Relevant hotfix deployed to remove any trace of deprecated installations of the framework during the setup. New installs will not perceive the difference.

0.13.0, 2016/07/19 -- Added the possibility of dinamically adding user-defined modules under the configuration folder. Fixed issues 150, 151, 152, 153.
- Fixed issue 146. Letting the user create new usufy wrappers in its home folder.
- Fixed issue 147. Letting the user create new entify regexps in its home folder.
- Fixed issue 150. Ruby-forum.com has changed its base URL.
- Fixed issue 151. Foodspotting is returning false positives when the first character is a number bug usufy.
- Fixed issue 152. Bucketlistly is returning false positives when the first character is a number bug usufy.
- Fixed issue 153. Sample files (wrapper.py.sample and pattern.py.sample) are not copied during the installation. Added a recursive-include clause to MANIFEST.in to collect the sample files in the config/plugins.
- Addressed issue 149. Bookmarky.com seems not to be working (moved to pending).
- Updated the process of compiling the regular expressions to validate the usernames for each platform.
- Fixed a bug that was not capable of setting properly the api_keys.cfg.
- Modified the configuration file.
- Removed old wrappers which had been removed.
- Added a pending folder with wrappers which need to be fixed. They will not be imported.
- Implemented __eq__ for both wrappers and patterns.

0.12.1, 2016/07/07 -- Fixed issues in Favstar and mailfy.py.
- Fixed issue 145. Favstar platform returns false positives in usufy when looking for long usernames.
- Fixed issue 144. mailfy.py returns error with specific domains. The error seemed to be a problem when no mail was loaded.
- Fixed issue 130. Removing obsolete warning of not properly working in Windows mailfy.

0.12.0, 2016/06/12 -- Fixed issues in 8 platforms when making use of usernames with a ".". URL can be automatically opened in the current web browser. Added 3 new mailfy platforms.
- Important change in the way of validating the nicknames. Valid expressions are matched now as ".+".
- Addressed issue 129: Open found URL in the current webbrowser.
- Fixed issue 141: Btinternet.com as new mailfy platform.
- Fixed issue 140: Libero.it as new mailfy platform.
- Fixed issue 139: Ya.ru as new mailfy platform.
- Fixed issue 138: Causes platform does NOT accept the character "." in the username.
- Fixed issue 137: Nubelo platform does NOT accept the character "." in the username.
- Fixed issue 136: Bucketlistly platform does NOT accept the character "." in the username.
- Fixed issue 135: Burdastyle platform does NOT accept the character "." in the username.
- Fixed issue 134: Askfm platform does NOT accept the character "." in the username.
- Fixed issue 133: Gogobot platform does NOT accept the character "." in the username.
- Fixed issue 132: Rankia platform does NOT accept the character "." in the username.
- Fixed issue 131: Twitpic platform does NOT accept the character "." in the username.

0.11.7, 2016/06/03 -- Critical bug addressed in the installation process identified as 122. Other minor issues addressed too.
- Fixed issue 126: Periscope has changed its error message.

0.11.6, 2016/06/03 -- Critical bug addressed in the installation process identified as 122. Other minor issues addressed too.
- Fixed issue 125: Ibosocial has changed its error for non-existing websites... Changed the error message.
- Fixed issue 124: Freebase wrapper does not work...
- Fixed issue 123: Arto has closed its service... :(. Platform removed.
- Fixed issue with thepiratebay.mk. Added a new message to find platforms which are no longer available.
- Removed other non working platforms that were maintained unnecessarily.

0.11.5, 2016/05/15 -- Added 16 new email providers for mailfy.py.
- The following email providers have been whitelisted in mailfy.py: aaathats3as.com, cocaine.ninja, cock.lu, cock.email, firemail.cc, getbackinthe.kitchen, hitler.rocks, lycos.com, memeware.net, rediffmail.com, tuta.io, tutamail.com, tutanota.com, tutanota.de, waifu.club and zoho.com.
- Some updates done in the mailfy.py blacklists.
- Addressed isue 120: Xat.com platform has changed its usufy URL. The wrapper has been deactivated.

0.11.4, 2016/04/28 -- Corrected a fix 116 in mailfy.py after breaking a thing before committing...
- Fixed issue 116: Mailfy.py is now throwing an error message when the email does not exist.

0.11.3, 2016/04/28 -- Several fixes addressed (116, 115, 114, 113, 112) regarding with obsolete platforms.
- Fixed issue 115: Worldcarfans is no longer working bug usufy. Removed.
- Fixed issue 114: Relatious.com platform is broken bug usufy. Removed.
- Fixed issue 113: Thecarcommunity platform is broken. Removed.
- Fixed issue 112: New error message in stumbleupon. Removed, the page is now entirely loaded usin javascript.
- Fixed other issues which were not identified originally: metacafe, youku.

0.11.2, 2016/04/01 -- Fixed issue 105: Error in mailfy, line 238.
- Fixed issue 105: Error en mailfy (linea 238) bug mailfy. There was a typo in mailfy.py that showed a wrongly modified variable. Removed the "2015" as stated by Pepepy did the trick.

0.11.1, 2016/03/25 -- Issues related to usufy.py platforms that were throwing false positives.
- Fixed issue 101: Changed the error for gsmspain forums. They had changed the error message.
- Fixed issue 102: Adtriboo is no longer a valid platform. Removed.
- Addressed issue 104: Evilzone has been deactivated until we find the new usufy structure.

0.11.0, 2016/03/14 -- Adding configuration files so as to let the user configure credentials and API keys, as well as making the Maltego transforms work with the current architecture.
- Fixed issue 51: settings for credentials, API keys and connectivity are now stored in the user's home.
- Fixed issue 65: add threading to mailfy.py to allow parallel queries.
- Fixed issue 84: fix Maltego installation using the content_scripts. The creation of the Maltego configuration file is currently done by the setup.py script.
- Fixed issue 88: ods, xls, xlsx are no longer appending results to previously found files. A change in the API now returns only an array of arrays if there is only one sheet.
- Fixed issue 90: added new documentation files as AUTHORS.md, INSTALL.md and HACKING.md.
- Fixed issue 93: Issue when installing in Windows v0.11.x. An exception has been added in the general.changePermissionsRecursively function to deal with os.chown issues when running on Windows.
- Fixed issue 98: Configuration files seem not to be copied correctly in the installation process. In Windows there was a problem with the direction of the slashes. Updated the configuration.py file to address it.
- Fixed issue 100: With the new installation procedure, networkx should be installed in the system. Added a osrframework/utils/configuration.py file.
- Transforms adjusted to use a copy of the scripts stored in the transforms folder inside the configuration directory to fix an issue when trying to run the scripts from Maltego, which seems not to be capable of launching them otherwise making calls in the "python usufy.py..." way in Windows systems.
- Added a MANIFEST.in file to include static files in the ./config folder and the configuration of the transforms.
- Commented logging text in usufy.py.
- Added the missing script config_api_keys.py which was previously ignored.
- Changed the maximum number of threads to be opened by OSRFramework transforms in Maltego as this could lead to problems with the applications.
- Fixed gsmspain.py wrapper for usufy which was not capable of returning a result properly.
- Deactivated identi.ca and couchsurfing because the platforms seems to be unstable.
- Added a browser.cfg to let the user configure OSRFramework browser settings such as the way in which it gets connected to the internet or the user agent.
- Added an api_keys.cfg file to the configuration file where all the API keys will be stored.
- Added three new dependencies pyopenssl, ndg-httpsclient, pyasn1 to deal with InsecurePlatformWarning when calling the Twitter API.
- Removed obsolete functions from osrframework/utils/general.py.
- Removed the logo.png references.

0.10.5, 2016/02/13 -- Fixed issue 86, Metacafe is returning false positives.
- Fixed issue 86: Metacafe was returning false positives and the error was updated.
- Updated a dependency for pyexcel_text package. OSRFramework now works with the latest version.

0.10.4, 2016/02/06 -- Some improvements in the alias generator to address issues 79, 80 and 81. Skype link error message defined as a warning now.
- Fixed issue 79: some new rules to be added to alias_generator.py.
- Fixed issue 80: moving the traditional profilesquatting changes to alias_generator.py. Removed the option from usufy.py.
- Fixed issue 81: all options inserted are now lowercased in alias_generator.
. Modified the Skype warning message to show what is happening and that a Skype session should be opened by the user.
- The interactive interface is now aligned and looks better.
- The birthyear is now the 4th option after the information about the profile.
- README.md brought back as README.md.

0.10.3, 2016/02/06 -- Fixes in mailfy and some searchfy platforms that got outdated.
- Fixed issue 83: alias_generator script is throwing an error related to where to find Python.
- Moved CHANGES.txt to CHANGES and README.md to README.
- Removed setup.cfg.

0.10.2, 2016/02/03 -- Fixes in mailfy and some searchfy platforms that got outdated.
- Fixed the searchfy search for the following platforms: facebook and youtube. The wrapper for twitter does NOT accept special characters such as the 'á', 'é', 'í', etc.
- Added more info to the output of the script to let the user know more info about what is happening.
- The number of domains to be searched is configurable now with the -d option.
- Added keemail.me to mailfy.py.
- Relaxing a requirement for a buggy version of pyexcel_text.

0.10.1, 2016/02/02 -- Two Bitcoin platforms added and a fix introduced to repair aporrealos.
- fanbitcoin and bitcointa have been added to the platform.
- A new error message has been added to aporrealos to avoid false positives when the platform throws errors.
- hotmail.com had to be deactivated from mailfy.py :(.

0.10.0, 2016/01/30 -- New release with several fixes.
- New platforms added to usufy: archive, ehow, gamesheep, hubpages, kanogames, newgrounds, nubelo, retailmenot, sidereel, thepiratebay, webtv, worldcarfans.
- Fixed issues linked to mailfy: 56, 57, 58 and 60.
- Fixed issue 53: adding tabulate dependency to the requirements.txt file.
- Fixed issue 52: fixed a crash when launching -p wikipedia only in usufy.py and some false positives associated to the platform.
- Fixed issue 64: foxmail.com has been removed from the list of secure domains.
- Fixed issue 67: infotelefonica.es has changed its error.
- Fixed issue 73: more convenient packaging solution with pip. Added osrframework scritps to path.
- Fixed issue 69: the new installation process has been detailed.
- Fixes for mailfy platforms which have been deactivated: outlook.com (69) and sina.com (70).
- Different fixes linked to issues 33 (jamiiforums), 43 (qq), 42 (buzznet) and 44 (pixls substitutes rawtherapee).
- Fixes for about, forosperu, hellboundhackers, ivoox and linkedin.
- Addressed issue 61: usufy.py --fuzz sample.txt now uses as separator either a '\t' or a ' '.
- A fix has been introduced in the --fuzz option of usufy.py so as not to stop when a matching pattern has been found.
- Added a new phonefy platform: kimatel (quienera.es).
- Removed unused files such as requirements.txt, utils/export.py, utils/timeout.py.
- Update in the README file.

0.9.14, 2016/01/21 -- Mitigation of several fixes.
- Fix to issues 46, 47, 48, 49. Mitigating 40, 42, 43, 44, 45.
- Modification of the Welcome banner for the different utilities. Back to normal.

0.9.13, 2015/11/26 -- Modifications for the Cybercamp.
- Modification of the Welcome banner for the different utilities.
- Changed the default extension to .xls as stated in the help.
- Added a new phonefy platform: infotelefonica.es.
- Modified the name of the listaspam platform from "listspam" to "listaspam".

0.9.12, 2015/11/18 -- Addition of Periscope.
- Addition of a wrapper for Periscope.
- Imported in the setup.py the local osrframework folder to grab the current version number.
- Fixed some errors in the messages displayed.

0.9.11, 2015/11/13 -- Addition of a new searchfy platform to look for PGP keys, as well as new platforms for mailfy.
- Added the search in the PGP public key repository by the MIT.
- Fixed a change in garage4hackers platform.
- Added new wikipediafr and wikipediapt user search.
- The platform thehoodup now waits for credentials.
- Added the sina.com email provider to mailfy.py.
- Added a message to urge the users to report any issue to <https://github.com/i3visio/osrframework/issues>.
- Added a message in mailfy.py when being run under Windows systems to let them know that the app. may behave unexpectedly.
- Corrected a mistake related to matplotlib.
- Added a banner text to each script of the framework showing the current version of the libraries.

0.9.10, 2015/10/26 -- Updated the error messages of burbuja.info in response to issue 32.
- Fixed in the burbuja platform which were confirmed to be working wrongly.
- Updated a new ebay error message just to try to confirm the reported malfunctioning by some users.
- Temporally deactivation of jamiiforums platform to try to fix this issue further.
- Throwing a Warning message when using Twitter API with old versions of ouath library.

0.9.9, 2015/10/18 -- Updated the number of email accounts that con be searched with mailfy.py.
- We have added a series of email providers in which the emailahoy library is also working: "yeah.net".
- Added badges to the README.md file.

0.9.8, 2015/10/15 -- Updated the number of email accounts that con be searched with mailfy.py.
- We have added a series of email providers in which the emailahoy library is also working: "126.com", "163.com", "189.cn", "foxmail.com", "qq.com", "yandex.com".

0.9.7, 2015/09/29 -- Updated the enumeration.py file and corrected the slashdot wrapper.
- Corrected the slashdot wrapper which was showing the existence of platforms which in fact didn't exist.
- Commented some references to an old logger in enumeration.py.

0.9.6, 2015/09/22 -- Corrected some installations misconfigurations.
- Fixed an issue when creating the twitter_api which now will try to grab the api_key in compilation time.
- A .csv file will be created by default now in usufy, entify, searchfy, mailfy and phonefy.
- Added a dependency for networkx in requirements.txt.
- Fixes in the installation instructions.

0.9.5, 2015/09/13 -- Corrected some errors in entify.py.
- Corrected some errors in entify.py when looking for entities in a folder.
- Corrected an error when looking for Spanish DNI.

0.9.4, 2015/09/12 -- API integration added to extract information, changes in the export files and added the Twitter API wrapper.
- Created a osrframework/api folder where all the wrappers to each platform will be included.
- Considered in platforms.py the chance of using the API if, both, a wrapper exists and the appropriate authentication methods have been provided.
- Added a Twitter API wrapping the credentials in config_api_credentials.py to make use of Tweepy API.
- Added networkx library to store the information in a graph format: png and gml have been added.
- A hack has been used to avoid encoding problems when exporting data.
- An issue has been detected: python-networkx and python-decorator in Debian-based OS is a problem because they are not up-to-date. Installation from pip is required.
- Changed the export modules to change the starting "" in the attributes to a "_" and the "i3visio." headers to "i3visio_" for usability reasons when loading future versions of visualization apps.

0.9.3, 2015/08/28 -- Storing the information of mailfy, entify and phonefy files.
- Updating the export primitives of the entify, mailfy and phonefy files.
- Showing some extra text at the beginning of the applications.
- Fix in the extraction of the i3visio.fullname from Twitter.
- Fix in the URIs returned from searchfy (previously, '//' was used in twitter and github wrappers).

0.9.2, 2015/08/25 -- Dealing with export issues linked to localization.
- Dealing with an issue when printing unicode characters in the terminal (specially, in right-to-left languages). A message error will be displayed in the terminal though the information will be stored safely).
- Back to creation of .xls output files by default. An issue has been detected when creating .ods using Unicode characters. We will wait to test the utility.
- About.me platform temporally deactivated as it requires javascript.

0.9.1, 2015/08/20 -- Fixes in the export using experimental versions of pyexcel. Release version.
- Fix an issue linked to the export of Unicode characters in this library. It needs to install an experimental library though.
- Usufy will display now additional details when being launched: start and end messages as well as time consumed.

0.9.0rc5, 2015/08/19 -- Extraction of attributes reconfigured.
- Added youtube and github to searchfy.
- The searchfy file now operates using uri and parsing them.
- Added a new global variable to be able to apply different types of URLs for the profiles in a platform.
- Fix in the csv export that overwrote previous files.

0.9.0rc4, 2015/08/18 -- Extraction of attributes reconfigured.
- Fix in the extraction of Twitter fields.
- Fix in Twitter and Skype wrappers to return an i3visio.uri.homepage entity for the URIs found in the profiles. Previous approach overrode the profile's URI.

0.9.0rc3, 2015/08/18 -- Extraction of attributes reconfigured.
- The extraction of attributes from the profiles has been reincluded.
- The Twitter wrapper recovers now the i3visio.location of a user in usufy mode even when the profile is locked.
- Fixed the usufy launcher to show the icon.
- Fixed compatibiliy of the installer for Windows systems.

0.9.0rc2, 2015/08/16 -- Minor changes linked to redistribution.
- Updating the help texts to include the references to the official repository.
- The .desktop files do not include now a reference to pantheon-terminal.
- Updating the publication process.
- Modification of the regular expressions of the nicks for the following platforms: twitpic, tumblr, rankia, gogobot, buzznet, causes.
- Added about me wrapper to usufy (removed wefollow).

0.9.0rc1, 2015/08/13 -- First DEB, RPM, compiled version of 0.9.0.
- Updating setup.py to include some data files in /usr/bin/.
- Accomdation of the .mtz Maltego file.
- Creation of .deb, .rpm packages.
- Updating the README.
- Creation of .ods output files by default.
- Addition of icons and desktop launchers for Linux systems (.desktop files).

0.9.0b7, 2015/08/12 -- Fixes in the Maltego transforms.
- Added Maltego transform: searchfy on Twitter.
- Added Maltego transform: searchfy on Facebook.
- Added Maltego transform: searchfy on Skype.
- Modified Maltego transform: aliasToKnownMails is now operative.
- The i3visio.location.city entity is extracted correctly when calling ip-api.com API.
- If the number of entities returned are too many a message will be displayed in the Transform output tab.
- Debug windows are not shown in production thanks to a new utility included in configure_maltego.py.
- Fix in Skype wrapper to avoid showing errors messages that make Maltego crash.
- Remove PIP dependencies: only pip will be required. The other dependencies will be checked when installed and included to be manually installed by the user.
- Update on the version number from v0.9.0 to 0.9.0 format (without the 'v').

v0.9.0b6, 2015/07/15 -- Minor fix in hi5 that needs credentials right now.
- Hi5 wrapper has been modified to request credentials.

v0.9.0b5, 2015/07/15 -- Added searchfy platforms for skype, facebook and twitter.
- Added the searchfy functionality.
- Fixed the returned objects in usufy (now, it's always a list).
- Facesaerch and ahmia have been temporally deactivated.
- The generated output now does not override the file if it already exists. Instead, it reads the previous data and appends the new information.

v0.9.0b4, 2015/07/13 -- Fixed the output when too much information is displayed.
- The printed table appearing in the terminal will only show values linked to i3visio.alias, i3visio.platform, i3visio.uri and i3visio.fullname. The rest of the information will be printed to the output files.
- Minor change in the Skype entity previously returned as i3visio.person which now is returned as i3visio.fullname.

v0.9.0b3, 2015/07/13 -- Fixes in tuporno and fanpop.
- Fixed tupono, fanpop.
- Setting .csv files as default output extension for usufy.py.

v0.9.0b2, 2015/07/10 -- Notably improved the export capabilities.
- Fixed an error in the generation of the .csv for usufy.
- New export formats included in usufy: .ods, text, .xls, .xlsx.

v0.9.0b, 2015/06/24 -- Major restructuration of the internal tool. Addition of new platforms and links.
- Moved platforms to wrappers and changed platforms.py to utils.
- Inclusion of old darkfy searches to look for information in Tor platforms.
- Inclusion of regular expression rules to choose valid names.
- Inclusion of a new mailfy.py app that verifies whether an email is known as a valid email using emailahoy.
- Inclusion of a new searchfy.py app that recovers the URL of a search in different platforms.
- Generation of aliases from a person using alias_generator.py
- Inclusion of all the variables to include phonefy, usufy and searchfy search in all platforms.
- Inclusion of plain calls to the different third party API in the main folder.
- Removed phonefy and usufy folders for structural simplicity.
- Added a proof of concept option to access all the users of a given platform.
- Added a facesaerch.py module to look for images.
- Added an alias to IP platform that tries to resolve the location of a user in Skype.
- Added a uriToGoogleCacheUri transform.
- Changed usufy-launcher.py and phonefy-launcher.py to usufy.py and phonefy.py.
- Changed maltfy folder to transforms.
- Opening .onion URI using onion.cab service.
- Updated transforms to match the new distribution.
- Added BeautifulSoup as a needed llibrary for the installation.
- Fixed bladna, breakcom, twicsy, spotify, spoj.
- Deactivating friendsfeed, hellboundhackers and ukdebate (services unavailable for different reasons) and twitch.
- The Skype platform now returns an i3visio.platform entity as expected.

v0.8.3, 2015/04/09 -- Changed the structure of the returned csv files.
- Adding the possibility of creating a csv output file.

v0.8.2, 2015/04/08 -- Changed the structure of the returned json files.
- Fixed an issue that created up to n different json files.
- The returned json is a list of i3visio.objects and the list returned is now ordered and no longer linked to the nickname searched.

v0.8.1, 2015/04/08 -- Minor fixes on certain platforms which were not working.
- Fixed the self.notFoundText in: cafemom, pearltreesspoj.
- Added the self.foundText in: spoj.
- ResearchGate needs credential now.

v0.8.0, 2015/04/03 -- Improvements in the entity generation and an extensive ip-api.com support.
- Added Maltego transform: coordinatesToGoogleMapsBrowser.
- Added Maltego transform: coordinatesToTwitterBrowser.
- Added Maltego transform: domainToIp_ApiInfo.
- Added Maltego transform: ipToIp_ApiInfo.
- Added default fields to every Maltego Entity.
- Modified Maltego transform: aliasToAllProfiles.
- Modified Maltego transform: aliasToFamousPlatforms.
- Modified Maltego transform: aliasToSkypeAccounts.
- Modified Maltego transform: bitcoinAddressToBlockchainDetails.
- Modified Maltego transform: domainToGoogleSearchUriWithEmails.
- Modified Maltego transform: domainToTld.
- Modified Maltego transform: emailToAlias.
- Modified Maltego transform: emailToBreachAccounts.
- Modified Maltego transform: emailToDomain.
- Modified Maltego transform: emailToSkypeAccounts.
- Modified Maltego transform: expandPropertiesFromI3visioEntity.
- Modified Maltego transform: hashToMD5crackDotCom.
- Modified Maltego transform: ipToIp_ApiInformation.
- Modified Maltego transform: phoneToPerson.
- Modified Maltego transform: phoneToMoreInfo.
- Modified Maltego transform: textToGoogleSearchUri.
- Modified Maltego transform: textToEntities.
- Modified Maltego transform: uriToBrowser.
- Modified Maltego transform: uriToDomain.
- Modified Maltego transform: uriToEntities.
- Modified Maltego transform: uriToPort.
- Modified Maltego transform: uriToProtocol.
- Fixed errors in cafemom.com and activerain.trulia.com platforms.
- Requesting credentials for Pokerstrategy and Flixter platforms.
- Addition of a method to recursively extract the information of the fields and attributes, even when it exceeds the maximum number of queries performed for the free version.
- Change in the returnOutput methods of MaltegoEntity and MaltegoTransform to make use of an auxiliar getOutputText method.
- Creation of two new methods in maltfy.lib.maltego to create new entities.
- Reorganization of ip-api.com json objects returned by the API to display i3visio-like objects.
- Inclusion of thirdparties.pipl script to perform queries on usernames and emails.
- Appending a '/' to URL that do not have it when extracting domains or ports.
- Minor change in the way of grabbing md5crack.com API Key in config_api_keys.py.sample.
- Reorganization of network transforms onto i3visio.network set.
- Added new categories: i3visio.location.geo, i3visio.ipv4.
- Changed the i3visio.protocol icon and moved the i3visio.breach entity to i3visio.person group.
- Fixed some issues regarding the way of showing the License on each file.
- Various identation fixes from 't' to ' '.
- Fixed an error with Trulia platform. A missing pair of quoting marks.

v0.7.1, 2015/01/17 -- Release of v0.7.1.
- Fix in the domainToGoogleSearchUriWithEmails transform which was wrongly coded.

v0.7.0, 2015/01/17 -- Release of v0.7.0.
- Added Maltego transform: uriToBrowser.
- Added Maltego transform: uriToBitcoinAddressEntities.
- Added Maltego transform: uriToDniEntities.
- Added Maltego transform: uriToDogecoinAddressEntities.
- Added Maltego transform: uriToEmailEntities.
- Added Maltego transform: uriToIPv4Entities.
- Added Maltego transform: uriToLitecoinAddressEntities.
- Added Maltego transform: uriToMD5Entities.
- Added Maltego transform: uriToNamecoinAddressEntities.
- Added Maltego transform: uriToPeercoinAddressEntities.
- Added Maltego transform: uriToSHA1Entities.
- Added Maltego transform: uriToSHA256Entities.
- Added Maltego transform: uriToUriEntities.
- Added Maltego transform: textToBitcoinAddressEntities.
- Added Maltego transform: textToDniEntities.
- Added Maltego transform: textToDogecoinAddressEntities.
- Added Maltego transform: textToEmailEntities.
- Added Maltego transform: textToIPv4Entities.
- Added Maltego transform: textToLitecoinAddressEntities.
- Added Maltego transform: textToMD5Entities.
- Added Maltego transform: textToNamecoinAddressEntities.
- Added Maltego transform: textToPeercoinAddressEntities.
- Added Maltego transform: textToSHA1Entities.
- Added Maltego transform: textToSHA256Entities.
- Added Maltego transform: textToUriEntities.
- Added Maltego transform: domainToGoogleSearchUriWithEmails.
- Added Maltego transform: textToPhoneDetails.
- Removed Maltego transform: phoneToPerson.
- Reorganization of transforms in different thematic sets.
- Refactoring of uriToEntities.py and textToEntities.py python codes to accept a platform parameter in the transform.
- Changed the name of the Maltego Configuration folder to remove the version in the name.
- Fix the i3visio.surname2 which was wrongly referred as i3visio.surnme2.
- Added different entity categories such as: i3visio.hash, i3visio.location, i3visio.person, i3visio.phone, i3visio.web.

v0.6.1, 2015/01/15 -- Correction of a couple of issues in the entities.
- Added properties by default to i3visio.person.
- Corrected a reference to a i3visio.phone in infobel_com package (it was identified wrongly as i3visio.location.phone)

v0.6.0, 2015/01/14 -- Creation of Phonefy architecture.
- Added a Google Search wrapper based on Mario Vilas approach.
- Added Maltego transform: phoneToPerson.
- Added Maltego transform: textToGoogleSearchURI.
- Added Maltego transform: uriToProtocol.
- Added Maltego transform: uriToPort.
- Added Maltego transform: uriToDomain.
- Added Maltego transform: domainToTLD.
- Added tld, person, fullname, name, surname1, surname2, location.postalcode and location.address entities.
- Changed the main path for the configuration files

v0.5.0, 2015/01/13 -- Creation of Phonefy architecture.
- Added Maltego transform: phoneToMoreInfoListspam.
- Restructuration of phonefy package.
- Change in uriToEntities.py to use an i3visio Browser.
- Fix in i3visio.location.province icon.

v0.4.0, 2015/01/11 -- Added the usufy package onto OSRFramework.
- Added Maltego transform: aliasToAllProfiles.
- Added Maltego transform: aliasToFamousProfiles.
- Inclusion of i3visiotools global files as osrframework.utils.
- Change in old displaying format of usufy entities.
- Change inheritance of i3visio.uri to i3visio.text (rather than i3visio.object).
- Change icon of i3visio.platform.

v0.3.0, 2015/01/11 -- Added the extraction of regular expression with entify.
- Added Maltego transform: textToAllEntities.
- Added Maltego transform: uriToAllEntities.
- Added Maltego transform: emailToAlias.
- Added Maltego transform: emailToDomain.
- Inclusion of a --quiet option.
- Inclusion of transforms related to the extraction of entities.
- Minor changes in the name of entify transforms and i3visio.url has been moved to i3visio.uri.
- Changed the url.py module to uri.py. References changed everywhere.
- Added a simple transformation of foo[at]bar[dot]com mails to be foobar.com.
- Fix on i3visio.object entity which was not being imported correctly.
- Edit configuration of configure_maltego to update also default paths for the transforms.

v0.2.0, 2015/01/07 -- Added Maltego transforms.
- Added Maltego transform: aliasToSkypeAccounts.
- Added Maltego transform: bitcoinAddressToBlockchainDetails.
- Added Maltego transform: emailToBreachedAccounts.
- Added Maltego transform: emailToSkypeAccounts.
- Added Maltego transform: hashToMD5crackDotCom.
- Added Maltego transform: expandPropertiesFromI3visioEntity.
- Added entities and logos for Peercoin and Namecoin addresses.
- Removed i3visio.bitcoin, i3visio.litecoin, i3visio.dogecoin entities, as the i3visio.bitcoin.address (et al.) will be used.
- Added entities for i3visio.port, i3visio.domain and i3visio.protocol.
- Changed icon for i3visio.dni.
- Added an autoconfiguration file for Maltego Transforms.

v0.1.0, 2014/12/31 -- Initial release.
- Added a third-party API wrapper for Skype: checkIPDetails.
- Added a third-party API wrapper for md5crack.com: checkIPDetails.
- Added a third-party API wrapper for ip-api.com: checkIPDetails.
- Added a third-party API wrapper for haveibeenpwned.com: checkIfEmailWasHacked.
- Added a third-party API wrapper for blockchain.info: getBitcoinAddressDetails.
- Initial release.

Long term:
- Usage of mashape.com API linked to email verification.
- Usage of mashape.com API linked to image verification.
- Inclusions of email verification transforms.
- Inclusion of a call to pipl.com API.
- Full normalization of fields.
- Create Facesaerch and Tor search transforms in Maltego.
- Recover the logging functions.

[Known issues]
- Text to deep web search is broken.
- Recursive expansion of attributes when the cap is reached in Maltego.
- There is an issue in Maltego Chlorine CE when exporting a transform with the transform.local.parameters popup marked as True: <Property name="transform.local.parameters" type="string" popup="true"></Property>. However, when importing the created .mtz file the popup attribute is not correctly updated not requesting the user who imported the transform the value unless he/she clicks on configure and manually update this value, something which may not be trivial for some users. This issue affects the transform aliasToSelectedPlatforms which will throw an error if not manually configured by the user instead of asking the user to insert the deliberately missing parameters. This is not an OSRFramework issue and has conveniently be notified to Paterva with date of 2015/08/12.

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