What's Changed * [SFS] turbo share additional waits and tests by Polina-Gubina in 344 * [SFS] turbo share by Polina-Gubina in 343 * [ELB] ip address group and security policy resources by Polina-Gubina in 340
What's Changed * [CSS] refactoring by vineet-pruthi in 333 * [DWS] Added missing attrs to dws sdk Cluster class by vineet-pruthi in 334 * [ELB] Load balancer cascade delete by Polina-Gubina in 337 * [DWS] Updated Flavor list method to simplify response data by vineet-pruthi in 338
What's Changed * [TESTS] removed unecessary constraints from tox.ini by tischrei in https://github.com/opentelekomcloud/python-otcextensions/pull/331 * [VPC] bandwidth small ref by Polina-Gubina in https://github.com/opentelekomcloud/python-otcextensions/pull/326
What's Changed * [VPC] bandwidth resource by Polina-Gubina in https://github.com/opentelekomcloud/python-otcextensions/pull/326 * [ELB] removed _make_proxy override in vlb_service.py by vineet-pruthi in https://github.com/opentelekomcloud/python-otcextensions/pull/325 * [CBR] vault change type of parameter 'bind_rules' from 'BindRules' to dict by Polina-Gubina in https://github.com/opentelekomcloud/python-otcextensions/pull/323 * [TESTS] update tox by gtema in https://github.com/opentelekomcloud/python-otcextensions/pull/322 * [GENERAL] update requirements by tischrei in https://github.com/opentelekomcloud/python-otcextensions/pull/321 * [TESTS] stestr deprecated blacklist in favor of exclude gtema in https://github.com/opentelekomcloud/python-otcextensions/pull/320 * [CSS] cli new parameters by vineet-pruthi in https://github.com/opentelekomcloud/python-otcextensions/pull/316 * [OBS] cli added name prefix in args by iglikoxha in https://github.com/opentelekomcloud/python-otcextensions/pull/315 * [TESTS] switch to new functest jobs by gtema in https://github.com/opentelekomcloud/python-otcextensions/pull/311