
Latest version: v0.3.0

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Changes in this release
closes 1

* "image2" is now the default image sequence producer
* An additional "image_producer" argument may be passed as adapter argument to change back to "pixbuf"

otioconvert -i mytimeline.otio -A image_producer=pixbuf -o mytimeline.mlt

Please upgrade your adapter with `pip install --upgrade otio-mlt-adapter`


Changes in this release
* Make sure audio tracks stay close to the "bottom" to avoid audio from video file getting in the way of other video tracks

Please upgrade your adapter with `pip install --upgrade otio-mlt-adapter`


First release of the OpenTimelineIO MLT XML adapter!

When installed, the plugin adds itself to the available adapters in [OpenTimelineIO](http://opentimeline.io/) <br>
The MLT XML adapter produces mlt flavored [xml](https://www.mltframework.org/docs/mltxml/) files used in conjunction with [melt](https://www.mltframework.org/docs/melt/) to preview or render timelines.

The adapter is a write-only adapter and can only produce `.mlt` files, not parse them. For parsing dialects of the mlt format please check out one of the other adapters listed [here](https://github.com/PixarAnimationStudios/OpenTimelineIO/wiki/Tools-and-Projects-Using-OpenTimelineIO).

For more information on MLT please visit: [www.mltframework.org](https://www.mltframework.org)


The easiest way to install the adapter is with pip directly from PyPi
pip install otio-mlt-adapter

Check if plugin installed correctly
otiopluginfo mlt_xml

If you choose to download the source code and place the package in an alternative location, make sure you append the full path to the `plugin_manifest.json` file to the `OTIO_PLUGIN_MANIFEST_PATH` environment variable.

Usage in command line tools

Straight conversion from otio -> mlt
otioconvert -i source_timeline.otio -o destination_timeline.mlt

Pass adapter arguments
otioconvert -i source_timeline.otio -o destination_timeline.mlt -A colorspace=709

Play timeline in melt
melt destination_timeline.mlt

Usage in python

import opentimelineio as otio

Straight conversion
timeline = otio.adapters.read_from_file('source_timeline.otio')
otio.adapters.write_to_file(timeline, 'converted_timeline.mlt')

Conversion with adapter argument
timeline = otio.adapters.read_from_file('source_timeline.otio')
otio.adapters.write_to_file(timeline, 'converted_timeline.mlt', colorspace=709)

Supported OTIO Features

| OTIO Feature | MLT Adapter |
| :---------------------- | :---------: |
|Single Track of Clips | W-O |
|Multiple Video Tracks | W-O |
|Audio Tracks & Clips | W-O |
|Gap/Filler | W-O |
|Markers | ✖ |
|Nesting | W-O |
|Transitions | W-O |
|Audio/Video Effects | ✖ |
|Linear Speed Effects | W-O |
|Fancy Speed Effects | ✖ |
|Color Decision List | N/A |
|Image Sequence Reference | W-O |

Known limitations
* Audio handling is a bit limited. Clips in audio tracks that share the same source as the video clip above will be ignored as MLT will include the audio from the video track by default.

* Effects directly applied on Tracks or Stacks are currently not implemented

Please submit bug reports etc. through github [issues](https://github.com/apetrynet/otio-mlt-adapter/issues)

MLT XML adapter is released under the [MIT License](https://github.com/apetrynet/otio-mlt-adapter/blob/main/LICENSE.txt)



Has known vulnerabilities

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