
Latest version: v0.1.7

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What's Changed
* Fix library top-level imports by rlouf in https://github.com/dottxt-ai/outlines/pull/1296

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/dottxt-ai/outlines/compare/0.1.6...0.1.7


What's Changed
* Update generation.md by djinnome in https://github.com/dottxt-ai/outlines/pull/1248
* Add link to YT channel and .txt blog by rlouf in https://github.com/dottxt-ai/outlines/pull/1289
* Update home page spacing by gtsiolis in https://github.com/dottxt-ai/outlines/pull/1288
* Add compatibility for numpy 2 while preserving numpy 1 compatibility by neilmehta24 in https://github.com/dottxt-ai/outlines/pull/1265
* Updated mlx-lm kvcache creation by cmcmaster1 in https://github.com/dottxt-ai/outlines/pull/1260
* add beam.cloud deployment example by mernit in https://github.com/dottxt-ai/outlines/pull/1228
* Add OpenAI to LogitsGenerator by ulfaslak in https://github.com/dottxt-ai/outlines/pull/1181
* Cookbook receipe on extract event details from text by scampion in https://github.com/dottxt-ai/outlines/pull/1269
* Add jax compatible api by sky-2002 in https://github.com/dottxt-ai/outlines/pull/1207
* Add json call with multi-function enums by g-prz in https://github.com/dottxt-ai/outlines/pull/1277

New Contributors
* djinnome made their first contribution in https://github.com/dottxt-ai/outlines/pull/1248
* neilmehta24 made their first contribution in https://github.com/dottxt-ai/outlines/pull/1265
* cmcmaster1 made their first contribution in https://github.com/dottxt-ai/outlines/pull/1260
* mernit made their first contribution in https://github.com/dottxt-ai/outlines/pull/1228
* ulfaslak made their first contribution in https://github.com/dottxt-ai/outlines/pull/1181
* sky-2002 made their first contribution in https://github.com/dottxt-ai/outlines/pull/1207
* g-prz made their first contribution in https://github.com/dottxt-ai/outlines/pull/1277

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/dottxt-ai/outlines/compare/0.1.5...0.1.6


What's Changed
* Turn off guide caching by torymur in https://github.com/dottxt-ai/outlines/pull/1278

New Contributors
* torymur made their first contribution in https://github.com/dottxt-ai/outlines/pull/1278

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/dottxt-ai/outlines/compare/0.1.4...0.1.5


What's Changed
* Bump to outlines-core=0.1.17 for python 3.12-3.13 support by mgoin in https://github.com/dottxt-ai/outlines/pull/1273

New Contributors
* mgoin made their first contribution in https://github.com/dottxt-ai/outlines/pull/1273

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/dottxt-ai/outlines/compare/0.1.3...0.1.4


What's Changed
* Add PDF cookbook by cpfiffer in https://github.com/dottxt-ai/outlines/pull/1256
* Add earnings reports to cookbook index by cpfiffer in https://github.com/dottxt-ai/outlines/pull/1255
* Add a receipt processing cookbook by cpfiffer in https://github.com/dottxt-ai/outlines/pull/1249
* Update README.md by scampion in https://github.com/dottxt-ai/outlines/pull/1258

New Contributors
* scampion made their first contribution in https://github.com/dottxt-ai/outlines/pull/1258

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/dottxt-ai/outlines/compare/0.1.2...0.1.3


What's Changed
* Doc corrections by cpfiffer in https://github.com/dottxt-ai/outlines/pull/1213
* Add transformers vision cookbook with atomic caption flow by fearnworks in https://github.com/dottxt-ai/outlines/pull/1216
* docs: update llamacpp.md by eltociear in https://github.com/dottxt-ai/outlines/pull/1231
* Earnings report cookbook by cpfiffer in https://github.com/dottxt-ai/outlines/pull/1235

New Contributors
* fearnworks made their first contribution in https://github.com/dottxt-ai/outlines/pull/1216

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/dottxt-ai/outlines/compare/0.1.1...0.1.2

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