
Latest version: v0.12.0

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What's Changed

Read the full release notes here: https://docs.overturemaps.org/release/latest/. Below is a list of changes to the schema since the last release.

Schema-Wide Changes

1. Update `LICENSE` to reflect schema's CC-BY-4.0 licensing scheme.

Theme-Specific Schema Changes

Addresses (Status: Alpha)

🏗 *The addresses theme is in* ***alpha*** *status. Schema changes with potential backward-incompatibility are likely from month to month until the addresses schema increases in maturity. When these changes occur, we will try to provide some notice and a "bridge" period where the old schema is also supported.*

No changes.

Base (Status: GA)

🟢 *The base theme is in* ***GA*** *status. We are striving to avoid backwardly-incompatible schema changes and to deliver adequate notice should they occur.*

1. Added a new `bathymetry` feature type. (https://github.com/OvertureMaps/schema/pull/206)
- A `bathymetry` feature is a topographic representation of an underwater area, such as a part of the ocean floor. Use cases adding depth shading to water bodies in map visualizations.
- There is a known issue with the `bathymetry` feature type's `depth` property. It is meant to be positive but is negative. This issue will be corrected in the next release: https://github.com/OvertureMaps/schema/pull/309.
2. Added a new `class` values for `land`, `land_use`, and `water` feature types (https://github.com/OvertureMaps/schema/pull/295):
- `land`: `plateau`
- `land_use`: `fatbike`, `hike`, `nordic`
- `water`: `blowhole`

Buildings (Status: GA)

🟢 *The buildings theme is in* ***GA*** *status. We are striving to avoid backwardly-incompatible schema changes and to deliver adequate notice should they occur.*

No changes.

Divisions (Status: GA)

🟢 *The divisions theme is in* ***GA*** *status. We are striving to avoid backwardly-incompatible schema changes and to deliver adequate notice should they occur.*

Added a top-level `class` property to the `division` feature type: https://github.com/OvertureMaps/schema/pull/301. Initially this `class` property will only have a value for `locality` feature types and will help data consumers understand the rough scale or importance of the locality, *e.g.* is it a hamlet, or is it a megacity?

Places (Status: GA)

🟢 *The places theme is in* ***GA*** *status. We are striving to avoid backwardly-incompatible schema changes and to deliver adequate notice should they occur.*

No changes.

Transportation (Status: GA)

🟢 *The transportation theme is in* ***GA*** *status. We are striving to avoid backwardly-incompatible schema changes and to deliver adequate notice should they occur.*

- Theme status changed from 🏗 beta to 🟢 GA.
- No schema changes.

Full Changelog

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/OvertureMaps/schema/compare/v1.3.0...v1.4.0

New Contributors

- an-rose made her first contribution in https://github.com/OvertureMaps/schema/pull/300
- Azbesciak made his first contribution in https://github.com/OvertureMaps/schema/pull/304


What's Changed

Read the full release notes here: https://docs.overturemaps.org/release/latest/. Below is a list of changes to the schema since the last release.

Schema-Wide Changes


Theme-Specific Schema Changes

Addresses (Status: Alpha)

🏗 *The addresses theme is in* ***alpha*** *status. Schema changes with potential backward-incompatibility are likely from month to month until the addresses schema increases in maturity. When these changes occur, we will try to provide some notice and a "bridge" period where the old schema is also supported.*

Added a top-level `postal_city` property for cases where the postally-approved city/municipality/locality line of an address contains a different locality name than the locality that physically contains the address coordinates. https://github.com/OvertureMaps/schema/pull/291

Base (Status: GA)

🟢 *The base theme is in* ***GA*** *status. We are striving to avoid backwardly-incompatible schema changes and to deliver adequate notice should they occur.*

1. Added a top-level, optional, `height` property to features of type `infrastructure`: https://github.com/OvertureMaps/schema/pull/276.
2. Added new members to the `class` enumeration for features of type `infrastructure`: https://github.com/OvertureMaps/schema/pull/276 (`apron`, `fountain`, `gasometer`, `goods`, `j-bar`, `launchpad`, `magic_carpet`, `motorcycle_parking`, `platter`, `reservoir_covered`, `rope_tow`, `stopway`, `subway_station`, `taxilane`, `zip_line`).
3. Added new members to the `class` enumeration for features of type `land_use`: https://github.com/OvertureMaps/schema/pull/276 (`connection`, `downhill`, `driving_school`, `ice_skate`, `kindergarten`, `military_hospital`, `military_school`, `music_school`, `resort`, `ski_jump`, `skitour`, `sled`, `sleigh`, `snow_park`).
4. Added new members to the `subtype` enumeration for features of type `land`: https://github.com/OvertureMaps/schema/commit/57eeed7e0f1c707b103d11c5e6ced63463285d31#diff-991c09b9f238daa6433fca5ca495d5cabdf718b21f99450c87ec9b2f0619b651R87 (`crater`, `meteor_crater`, `volcanic_caldera_rim`).

Buildings (Status: GA)

🟢 *The buildings theme is in* ***GA*** *status. We are striving to avoid backwardly-incompatible schema changes and to deliver adequate notice should they occur.*

Added a `roof` member to the `class` enumeration: https://github.com/OvertureMaps/schema/pull/289.

Divisions (Status: GA)

🟢 *The divisions theme is in* ***GA*** *status. We are striving to avoid backwardly-incompatible schema changes and to deliver adequate notice should they occur.*

Added a new `macrohood` subtype to features of type `division` and `division_area`: https://github.com/OvertureMaps/schema/pull/290.

Places (Status: GA)

🟢 *The places theme is in* ***GA*** *status. We are striving to avoid backwardly-incompatible schema changes and to deliver adequate notice should they occur.*

No changes.

Transportation (Status: Beta)

🏗 *The transportation theme is in* ***beta*** *status. The transportation schema is nearing maturity, but backwardly-incompatible schema changes may occur from month to month until GA status is achieved. When these changes occur, we will try to provide some notice and a "bridge" period where the old schema is also supported.*

Removed the `lanes` property: https://github.com/OvertureMaps/schema/pull/286.

Full Changelog

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/OvertureMaps/schema/compare/v1.2.0...v1.3.0


What's Changed

Read the full release notes here: https://docs.overturemaps.org/release/latest/. Below is a list of changes to the schema since the last release.

Schema-Wide Changes

Fixed a minor validation bug in the `names` property schema: the `variant` property in name rules under `names.rules` is now required. (https://github.com/OvertureMaps/schema/pull/277) While technically a "breaking" change, we don't expect this to break anything in practice because all Overture-released data already provides the `variant` in name rules.

Theme-Specific Schema Changes

Addresses (Status: Alpha)

🏗 *The addresses theme is in* ***alpha*** *status. Schema changes with potential backward-incompatibility are likely from month to month until the addresses schema increases in maturity. When these changes occur, we will try to provide some notice and a "bridge" period where the old schema is also supported.*

Removed `value` as a required sub-property of items in the `address_level` array. (https://github.com/OvertureMaps/schema/pull/283) The motivation for this change is that we want to allow `{}` elements to be used as "placeholder values" within `address_level` so that the length of the `address_level` array can be consistent within geographic areas (*e.g.* United States).

Base (Status: GA)

🟢 *The base theme is in* ***GA*** *status. We are striving to avoid backwardly-incompatible schema changes and to deliver adequate notice should they occur.*

No changes.

Buildings (Status: GA)

🟢 *The buildings theme is in* ***GA*** *status. We are striving to avoid backwardly-incompatible schema changes and to deliver adequate notice should they occur.*

No changes.

Divisions (Status: GA)

🟢 *The divisions theme is in* ***GA*** *status. We are striving to avoid backwardly-incompatible schema changes and to deliver adequate notice should they occur.*

No changes.

Places (Status: GA)

🟢 *The places theme is in* ***GA*** *status. We are striving to avoid backwardly-incompatible schema changes and to deliver adequate notice should they occur.*

No changes.

Transportation (Status: Beta)

🏗 *The transportation theme is in* ***beta*** *status. The transportation schema is nearing maturity, but backwardly-incompatible schema changes may occur from month to month until GA status is achieved. When these changes occur, we will try to provide some notice and a "bridge" period where the old schema is also supported.*

Dropped the deprecated `connector_ids` top-level property/column from transportation segments. (https://github.com/OvertureMaps/schema/pull/284) The deprecation schedule for this property was announced in August in the [What to expect in Overture’s August release](https://docs.overturemaps.org/blog/2024/08/15/preview-august-release/) blog, and this change merely completes the announced change. Data enjoyers should consume the `connectors` property going forward.

Full Changelog

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/OvertureMaps/schema/compare/v1.1.0...v1.2.0


What's Changed

Read the full release notes here: https://docs.overturemaps.org/release/latest/. Below is a list of changes to the schema since the last release.

Schema-Wide Changes

No changes.

Theme-Specific Schema Changes

Addresses (Status: Alpha)

🏗 *The addresses theme is in* ***alpha*** *status. Schema changes with potential backward-incompatibility are likely from month to month until the addresses schema increases in maturity. When these changes occur, we will try to provide some notice and a "bridge" period where the old schema is also supported.*

No changes.

Base (Status: GA)

🟢 *The base theme is in* ***GA*** *status. We are striving to avoid backwardly-incompatible schema changes and to deliver adequate notice should they occur.*

No changes.

Buildings (Status: GA)

🟢 *The buildings theme is in* ***GA*** *status. We are striving to avoid backwardly-incompatible schema changes and to deliver adequate notice should they occur.*

Minor changes to some SQL mappings from OpenStreetMap tags to Overture schema property values. PR 258.

Divisions (Status: GA)

🟢 *The divisions theme is in* ***GA*** *status. We are striving to avoid backwardly-incompatible schema changes and to deliver adequate notice should they occur.*

No changes.

Places (Status: GA)

🟢 *The places theme is in* ***GA*** *status. We are striving to avoid backwardly-incompatible schema changes and to deliver adequate notice should they occur.*

No changes.

Transportation (Status: Beta)

🏗 *The transportation theme is in* ***beta*** *status. The transportation schema is nearing maturity, but backwardly-incompatible schema changes may occur from month to month until GA status is achieved. When these changes occur, we will try to provide some notice and a "bridge" period where the old schema is also supported.*

The following changes were made to the transportation schema. These changes are also discussed extensively in the August 15, 2024 blog [What to expect in Overture’s August release](https://docs.overturemaps.org/blog/2024/08/15/preview-august-release/).

1. Destinations are added to segment features via the `destination` property.
- Destinations allow functionality such as "follow signs for downtown" to be added in routing engines.
- This is a purely additive feature and does not introduce any backward-incompatibility issues.
- PR 176
2. The `connector_ids` property of a segment feature, which only included the feature ID of the target connector, is replaced by a more general `connectors` property which includes both the target connector ID *and* its LR offset on the segment.
- The `connector_ids` property will remain supported in the August 2024 and September 2024 data releases but will be permanently removed from the schema in the October 2024 release.
- Transportation data users should migrate to `connectors` by October.
- PR 257
3. More granular information is now available on the real-world role of segment features via the `subclass_rules` and `subclass` properties.
- The `subclass_rules` property contains linear referencing rules that assign a more granular role information to linearly-referenced ranges of the segment. For example, a segment with class `footway` may be refined to `sidewalk` or `crosswalk` via `subclass_rules`.
- If the whole segment has the same subclass (it is not different for different LR ranges), this is captured in the `subclass` property. Otherwise, `subclass` captures the "most dominant" subclass from `subclass_rules`.
- This change is almost fully backwardly-compatible. However, a few members of the `roadClass` enumeration used to populate `class` have been migrated to `subclass_rules`/`subclass`. Also, the `is_link` member of the segment flags has been deprecated and will be deleted in a future release because link status is now captured in `subclass_rules`/`subclass`.
- PR 180
- There is some additional information on segment subtypes on the docs website [here](https://docs.overturemaps.org/guides/transportation/#subtypes).

Full Changelog

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/OvertureMaps/schema/compare/v1.0.0...v1.1.0

New Contributors
* stepps00 made his first contribution in https://github.com/OvertureMaps/schema/pull/263


What's Changed

Read the full release notes here: https://docs.overturemaps.org/release/latest/. Below is a list of changes to the schema since the last release.

Schema-wide changes
- added `update_time` to each source, removing it from the top-level properties.

Theme Specific Schema Changes

- A completely new theme, see the schema [here](https://docs.overturemaps.org/schema/reference/addresses/address/)

- Additional classes in `infrastructure`, `land`, `land_use`, and `water` types.

- capped height and roof_height at 850 meters and discarded values over that limit
- added classification for bridge structures to schema
- added `is_underground` to all buildings

- added the dependency subtype in division and division_area
- added the `microhood` subtype in division

- Allow for `NULL` categories

- removed deprecated `road` column

New Contributors
* thesteve0 made their first contribution in https://github.com/OvertureMaps/schema/pull/187
* atiannicelli made their first contribution in https://github.com/OvertureMaps/schema/pull/224
* skmoore made their first contribution in https://github.com/OvertureMaps/schema/pull/217
* Dritte made their first contribution in https://github.com/OvertureMaps/schema/pull/231

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/OvertureMaps/schema/compare/v0.12.0-beta...v1.0.0


What's Changed

A. Theme-specific changes

1. Base
- Fix issue where `level` property was not correctly populated for `infrastructure`, `land_use`, and `water` features.
- Add `sort_key` as an optional `cartography` property, which is populated for `land_cover` features
- Add `surface` property for `infrastructure`, `land`, and `land_use` features.
- Improve `source_tags` pass-through for `land` features.
- Improve `subtype` mapping for `infrastructure`.
- Improve `class` mapping for `land_use`.
- Other minor OpenStreetMap tag mapping improvements.
2. Buildings
- Rename `eave_height` property to `roof_height` to simplify and make the schema easier to understand.
- Spelling corrections and other tweaks to available building classes, building subtypes, and their OSM mappings
- Add building classes: `library` and `post_office`
3. Divisions
- `division` features:
- Fix conceptual issue with `perspectives` property on `division` features, switching to an acceptance/inclusion versus dispute/exclusion model.
- Add multiple capital division IDs on `division` features to handle multi-capital cases like the [Kuyavian–Pomeranian Voivodeship](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kuyavian%E2%80%93Pomeranian_Voivodeship) (Województwo kujawsko-pomorskie), [Bolivia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bolivia), and [South Africa](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/South_Africa).
- `boundary` features:
- Allow MultiLineString as a possible geometry type for `boundary` features. This allows simplifying all boundaries between two adjacent divisions into a single feature with a single GERS ID/Overture ID.
- Align dispute modeling with `division` perspectives: add `perspectives` and `is_disputed` properties and drop the system of only being able to mark boundaries disputed from the perspective of the divisions to either side via the `divisions[*].is_disputing` property.
4. Places
- Fix typo in categories mapping CSV (very minor).
5. Transportation
- Add top-level `routes` property to `segment` feature to contain routes the segment belongs to (*i.e.* highway network).
- This is analogous to, and today is generally sourced from, OpenStreetMap [relations of type route](https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Relation:route).
- Restructure the `segment` feature's properties as described in https://github.com/OvertureMaps/schema/pull/203. We hope this is one of the last, if not the last, major breaking change for transportation.
- Lifting properties that had previously been nested under the `road` property up to top level. The purpose of this change is to reduce nesting to a more manageable level and to make the Parquet schemas for segment properties manageable. The property changes here are:
- `road.restrictions.speed_limits` becomes `speed_limits`
- `road.restrictions.access` becomes `access_restrictions`
- `road.restrictions.prohibited_transitions` becomes `prohibited_transitions`
- `road.surface` becomes `road_surface`
- `road.flags` becomes `road_flags`
- `road.width` becomes `width_rules`
- `road.lanes` becomes `lanes`
- `road.level` becomes `level_rules`
- Slightly simplifying the frequently-used `when: vehicle:` scoping structure.
- Deprecating the `road` property. The `road` property will still be available in the June 2024 data release, so Overture users can temporarily ignore the restructuring change and continue to use `road`, but this property will be removed in the coming months. We expect users will prefer the new top-level properties because they will have structured Parquet schemas in the data release from day 1, unlike the `road` property which is an unwieldy JSON string, which is inconsistent with the rest of the Overture schema and also difficult to use.
- Limit speed limit maximum value to 350 units (previously there was no maximum).
- Reduce speed limit minimum value to 1 unit. The previous minimum of 20 units did not make sense and disagreed with the real world ground truth in many places, *e.g.* narrow pedestrian paths.

B. Documentation changes

- Return feature model, naming, scoping, and transportation pages to schema reference website.
- Build changes to maintain tight integration between schema documentation and the remainder of `docs.overturemaps.org`.
- Housekeeping changes.

Full Changelog

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/OvertureMaps/schema/compare/v0.11.0-beta...v0.12.0-beta

New Contributors
* jeffdefacto made his first contribution in https://github.com/OvertureMaps/schema/pull/189

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