What's new
You can now run package commands directly, no need for `npx` or equivalents.
It makes writing hooks more intuitive and is also slightly faster 🐺⚡️
- npx jest
+ jest ~0.2s faster
A new recipe has been added to the docs. Lint staged files without external dependencies (inspired by Prettier docs). Feel free to modify it.
prettier $(git diff --cached --name-only --diff-filter=ACMR | sed 's| |\\ |g') --write --ignore-unknown
git update-index --again
For more advanced use cases, see [lint-staged](https://github.com/lint-staged/lint-staged).
- `bunx husky init` command
- Workaround for some hooks implementation on Windows
- `!/usr/bin/env sh` and `. "$(dirname -- "$0")/_/husky.sh"` are deprecated. __`husky` command will automatically remove them, no action required.__
- If you're having code in `~/.huskyrc` please move it to `.config/husky/init.sh`
Support for these will be removed in v10.
Friendly reminder
If Git hooks don't fit your workflow, you can disable Husky globally. Just add `export HUSKY=0` to `.config/husky/init.sh`.
I've seen some confusion about this on X, so just a heads-up!
Husky is downloaded over 45M times per month and used by ~1.5M projects. If your company wants to sponsor, you can do so here: [GitHub Sponsors](https://github.com/sponsors/typicode).
__Have a nice summer ☀️ I'm open to new opportunities/consulting so feel free to drop me a message 😉__