
Latest version: v2.1

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- Fixed issue where a TopicEventProvider died on topics with no criteria. This
fixes 152 [claytron]

- Fixed an issue where a recurring event would show up in TopicEventProvider
results no matter what the criteria on the topic were. [claytron]

- Added uninstalling support, which fixes 168. [regebro]

- Updated wording to be consistent with other iCal/vCal actions. [aaronvanderlip]

- Fixed an issue where a recurring event would show up in TopicEventProvider
results no matter what the criteria on the topic were. [lucielejard]

- Fixed Trac 138 (fixing daily 'Add...' link so it defaults start/end dates
to the proper day) by building a portal_factory link with startDate and
endDate query string parameters for each day. [brianfive]

- Re-enabled the import UI by adding beforecontent viewlet that shows
icon and link. [aaronvanderlip]



- Implemented the canCreate method for the ATEventCreator so that the 'Add...'
does not show for anonymous. [claytron]

- Updated the way we get all the events in the exportCalendar method and
added parameters for restricting the export. [lucielejard]

- Various fixes in the recurring event support.



- Reworked to use dateables views and interfaces instead of p4a.calendar.

- Package is now installable via CMFQuickInstaller.

- Dependentent package slugs are now included (meta and regular).



- Updated documentation

- Fixed some install bugs under Plone 2.5.



- Plone 3 support

- Now uses p4a.subtyper

- Various timezone fixes, and some minor fixes.



- Fixed issue 24 where folders created by uploading ICS files via
webdav were not becoming calendar enhanced [Rocky Burt]

- Fixed issue 41 where regular users couldn't activate their
own folders to be calendars [Rocky Burt]

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