
Latest version: v3.0.2

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* **[~]** Changed method name in `packager` class from `build` to `fill`
* **[~]** Changed by adding source and destination arguments to `fill` method from the `packager` module
* **[+]** Added `build` method to `packager` class for encoding the contents
* **[~]** `getmac` method from the `interface` class now makes use the `Packager` module


* **[+]** Added `protocol` attribute to every protocol
* **[+]** Added Packager module for automated interpreting and building networking packets
* **[+]** Added `RAW` module for raw undecodable data
* **[+]** Added AAAA types to DNS module
* **[+]** Added `getmac` function to interface module for requiring MAC addresses using ARP
* **[~]** Changed how the `getpublicip` function required the public ip by using sockets
* **[~]** Fixed pointer bugs in `` function
* **[~]** Fixed DNS flags bug
* **[~]** Fixed DNS Answer length mistake
* **[~]** Fixed automatic card binder in the interface module


* **[~]** Numerous fixes to the options in the TCP protocol module
* **[~]** Changed how the ip gets returned in the `getpublicip` function in the `standards` module


* **[+]** Added `getpublicip` function to standards
* **[~]** Changed table of contents, minor changes for readability and moved about section in ``
* **[~]** Changed the reading of options in TCP (Must be improved in future)


* **[+]** Documentation added in ``
* **[~]** Renamed `SubscribeREQ` to `Subscribe` in MQTT Protocol module
* **[~]** Fixed `` by importing every Protocol module
* **[~]** Removed `vhl` attribute in IPv4 Header and replaced by version and header length
* **[~]** Changed 0b0110 to 6 in IPv6 Header object for improved readability


* **[!]** **Reupload on GitHub & PyPi**
* new GitHub url: ``
* new PyPi url: ``
* **[~]** Renamed package from `c0mplh4cks-pylib` to `packnet`
* **[~]** Changed Header object name to `Header` in every Protocol module
* **[~]** Modified imports in ``
* **[x]** Removed `examples`
* **[x]** Removed `screem`
* **[x]** Removed usage instructions

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