* Fixes a bug that report *page-count* as invalid when fpage or lpage values are non-digit. * Fixes a bug that mark as invalid XMLs containing use-licenses with https scheme or missing trailing slashes. * Changes the funding-group validation algorithm. * Checking for funding-statement when fn[fn-type="financial-disclosure"] is present.
* Added SciELO PS 1.2 support. * Added the apparent sourceline of the element raising validation errors (stylechecker). * Added the option *nocolors* to prevent stylechecker output from being colorized by ANSI escape sequences. * stylechecker now prints log messages to stdout. The option *loglevel* should be used to define the log level. Options are: DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR or CRITICAL. * SciELO PS 1.2 schematron uses EXSLT querybinding. * Better error handling while analyzing multiple XML files with stylechecker.
* Fixes a bug that causes malfunctioning on stylechecker while expanding wildcards on windows. * Major semantic changes at *assetsdir* options. Now it is always turned ON, and the option is used to set the lookup basedir. By default, the XML basedir is used.
* stylechecker CLI utility overhaul: * The basic output is now presented as JSON structure. * The option *assetsdir* lookups, in the given dir, for each asset referenced in XML. The *annotated* option now writes the output to a file. The utility now takes more than one XML a time. * *pygments*, if installed, will be used to display pretty JSON outputs.
* Added method ``XMLValidator.lookup_assets``. * Added property ``XMLValidator.assets``. * Fixed minor issue that would cause //element-citation[publication-type="report"] to be reported as invalid. * Fixed minor issue that would erroneously identify an element-citation element as not being child of element ref.
* Minor fix to implement changes from SciELO PS 1.1.1.