- Added a streaming server (`pld-stream`) which listens to stdin,
processes line by line, and returns predictions.
- Added support for batch processing through the web API. You can now
use a POST request to predict for a number of samples at once.
(Please see section "Upgrading" in the docs for details about
changes to the PredictService API.)
- Added support for selecting active model used for predictions.
Previously, the latest trained model was used. (Please see section
"Upgrading" in the docs for details on how to upgrade model
persisters (database or file) to the latest version.
- Added a new command `pld-admin` to activate and delete models.
- Added a new command `pld-dockerize` to create application specific
docker images for Palladium-based services. Previously, this used
to be handled by a script in `addons/docker/palladium_app_image`.
- Added a ModelPersister for RDBMs that don't have BLOB.
- Documented scripts.