Our first minor release on v2 includes containerization, support for older Python versions,
and added logo and brand assets!
- **Containerize**: NEW command added for containerization of Python projects with `palm containerize`
- **Shell**: NEW command to shell into the project container and execute arbitrary commands
- **Plugin generator**: NEW command to generate the boilerplate code for writing a new plugin
- **Excluded commands**: Added the ability to exclude/disable `palm` commands from a project's config
- **`run_on_host`**: Added a new function, `ctx.obj.run_on_host`, to assist with developing new commands
to run on your local machine, standardizing the interface around Python's `subprocess` with platform
and version agnostic support (well, version agnostic >= 3.6.9).
- **Logo/Branding**: We have a logo!! It is 90's retro and it is cool. Also added branding guidelines
- **Command availability**: Added `lint` and `test` commands to the `palm` core plugin
- **Workflow**: New Github Actions workflow to lint contributions to the project on new Pull Request
- **Backwards compatibility**: Added backwards compatibility support for older Python versions through v3.6.9
- **Documentation**: Added new docs and examples of `palm` use cases and impact