
Latest version: v0.10.4

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- Created and Published Flask-OpenID-Steam (Patched Flask-OpenID) to pypi to be used on main project so pypi version is fixed
- Palguard Version bumped to 1.683 (Palguard Discord Release)

- Rare situation where Palguard would not be properly detected while installed.

- Palguard Presence Detection (On RCON Connect)
- Refresh Settings on Server Data Import/Restore


- SteamAuth settings not applying when server is already running when Palworld Admin is launched


- Join annoincements show if the user is authenticated and their IP

- Error grabbing the steam_auth_ip from the database under certain scenarios

- Instead of running the auth on every RCON tick, run it only on player join


- Steam SSO Authentication (Prevents SteamIDs that have not been authenticated directly with Steam from connecting to the server)
- Steam SSO + IP Authentication (Requires Palguard) - Requires that both the SteamID be authenticated, and the player IP match the IP that was used for Authentication

To use Auth, tell your players to visit http://[ipofyourserver]:8210/steam-auth (You are welcome and encouraged to use an SSL for your Palworld Admin Webserver, but it's up to you how you go about it)

- Player Joins and Leaves being announced again on Palwolrd Admin UI

- Palguard 1.680 has been uploaded here due to an actual release not being available on Palguard Discord at this time that contains the needed getip command (pulled the version provided by the Dev on chat)

This is a re-release of 0.9.4 due to the fact that it had already been pushed to pypi.
- Binaries were reuploaded with a hotfix after initial release

- Another reupload of the Windows version, this time recompiled as 64-bit. If you had an issue where the app would crash randomly and show in the eventviewer with a KERNELBASE.dll error, this should solve it.


- There's currently a bug being caused during the compilation process, please revert back to 0.9.3 until this message is removed

- Steam SSO Authentication (Prevents SteamIDs that have not been authenticated directly with Steam from connecting to the server)
- Steam SSO + IP Authentication (Requires Palguard) - Requires that both the SteamID be authenticated, and the player IP match the IP that was used for Authentication

To use Auth, tell your players to visit http://[ipofyourserver]:8210/steam-auth (You are welcome and encouraged to use an SSL for your Palworld Admin Webserver, but it's up to you how you go about it)

- Player Joins and Leaves being announced again on Palwolrd Admin UI


- RCON Command Dropdown: Automatically detects Palguard and displays all commands available
- RCON Command Field: Automatically displays Palguard command descriptions
- You can also click on Player Names, UIDs and SteamIDs to automatically paste the respective values into the RCON command field

- RCON not using pgbroadcast in place of broadcast when Palguard is installed has been fixed

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