- [CHANGED] Cost definition changed for optimal powerflow, see OPF documentation (http://pandapower.readthedocs.io/en/v1.6.0/powerflow/opf.html) and opf_changes-may18.ipynb
- [ADDED] OPF data (controllable, max_loading, costs, min_p_kw, ...) in Power System Test Cases
- [ADDED] case_ieee30, case5, case_illinois200
- [FIXED] 1 additional Trafo in case39, vn_kv change in case118, sgen indices in polynomial_cost in case 1888rte, case2848rte
- [ADDED] toolbox functions replace_impedance_by_line(), replace_line_by_impedance() and get_element_indices() including tests
- [CHANGED] new implementation of to_json, from_json for loading and saving grids using functools.singledispatch
- [FIXED] checking similar to "if x: ..." or "x = x or ..." when it is meant "if x is None: ...", because it is potentially problematic with some types
- [FIXED] convert_format: some older pandapower grids had "0" as "tp_side" in net.trafo, this is checked now as well
- [FIXED] create_buses: accepts a single tuple (set the same geodata for all buses) or an array of the corresponding shape (for individual geodata)
- [CHANGED] create_ext_grid_collection (plotting): ext_grid and ext_grid buses can be specified if a collection should only include some of ext grids
- [ADDED] ability to define phase shifting transformers with tp_st_percent 117
- [ADDED] support for multiple voltage controlling elements (ext_grid, gen, dcline) at one bus 134
- [CHANGED] reduced number of arguments in runpp by moving some less important arguments to kwargs 122
- [ADDED] parameters init_vm_pu and init_va_degree to allow independent initialization of bus magnitude and angle 113
- [ADDED] number of power flow iterations are now saved
- [ADDED] calculation of r, x and z for networkx branches
- [ADDED] support for plotly 3.2
- [FIXED] plotly bugfixes for trafo traces and result representation
- [ADDED] Iwamoto algorithm for solving ill-conditioned power flow problems