
Latest version: v2020.5.15

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- Officially changing to version format with YYYY.MM.VERSION
- Hotfix for anaconda environment throwing an error:
- `ufunc 'isfinite' not supported for the input types, and the inputs could not be safely coerced to any supported types according to the casting rule ''safe''`


- Fixed an issue in which certain charts were removing the `period_summary_func` label from the chart (issue 20)
- Refactoring changes and code formatting
- Documentation updates to direct link to images as to not break on external websites (eg, PyPI)


- Fixed an ongoing problem with `animate_multiple_plots` when re-using a line or scatter chart. Corresponding subplots would show a static figure from a previous single animation.
- Fixed `fig=` for single animations not being passed properly as a custom figure.
- Several performance improvements to speed up loops in animations.
- Fixed a problem with line and scatter plots being chopped off near the vertical limit values.
- Added a `colorbar` with bubble plots when a `Pandas` df column is passed as a colour. Currently only for individual animations.
- Added options for bubble plots above to control the `colorbar` scale limits with `vmin` & `vmax`. If None, then they are automatically calculated.
- Added option `add_legend=` for line and scatter animations for single & multiple plots. Default is `True`.
- Added the option `enable_progress_bar=` to `animate_multiple_plots`. Default is `False`.
- Improved the ability to re-use figures & axes in a notebook for multiple plots. Occasionally, these used to carry over old frames into a new animation.
- Made `animate_multiple_plots` to create a `Figure()` instance instead of a `figure()` one. Note that `matplotlib` can take twice as long to generate animations with the latter instance type. Not clear why.
- Added a new folder `./examples/test_notebooks/` for future collaborators to add new notebooks.
- Removed the limitation for the interpolation (`interpolate_period=`) only to work with a `DateTime` index. It should now work with any numeric df index.


- Additional error catching with warnings for modules not being installed
- Add both attrs and pillow as dependencies, so users can install with pip and have it `just work`


- Custom figures now supported in `animate_multiple_plots`
- Writing to GIF in memory with `PIL` now supported, no external dependencies for gifs!


- Changing version format MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH
- Introduces support for geospatial data with geopandas
- Introduces support for basemap on geospatial datasets with contextily

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