
Latest version: v4.2.1

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[Full Changelog](

**Closed issues:**

- Pangres does something to the root logger that now everything identifies as pangres [\20](
- Logging set up in can conflict with logging profiles in calling script [\18](

**Merged pull requests:**

- \[ENH\]: add \_\_version\_\_ attribute [\22]( ([ThibTrip](
- \[BUGFIX\]: Second attempt at fixing logging [\21]( ([ThibTrip](
- \[BUGFIX\] Configure the logger instead of configuring logging [\19]( ([ThibTrip](

[v2.2]( (2020-08-22)

**Release Notes**

**_Breaking changes_**

* Removal of previously deprecated function <code>pangres.pg_upsert</code> (use <code>pangres.upsert</code> instead)
* In function <code>pangres.upsert</code> the arguments <code>create_schema</code> and <code>add_new_columns</code> have been set to False by default (they were previously both set to True by default) as this would be the common expectation (i.e. failing on missing schema or missing column). See 15. Thanks to lsloan and rajrohan.

[Full Changelog](

**Closed issues:**

- make `add_new_columns` default to `False` [\15](
- It is actually compatible with unique constraint [\12](
- Primary key requirement [\11](

**Merged pull requests:**

- \[CORE\] Remove pg upsert as planned \(deprecated\) [\17]( ([ThibTrip](
- \[CORE\] set create\_schema and add\_new\_columns to False by default [\16]( ([ThibTrip](
- \[DOC\] Indicate that we can use unique keys and not just PKs [\14]( ([ThibTrip](
- \[TEST\] Add tests that show pangres also works with unique keys [\13]( ([ThibTrip](

[v2.1]( (2020-04-11)

**Release Notes**


* Fixed bug where the "ON...CONFLICT" statement would be repeated leading to a syntax error in SQL insert statements

**_Changes for developers_**

* Testing instructions changed
* Added necessary tools to generate the documentation (see folder pangres/docs)

[Full Changelog](

**Fixed bugs:**

- BUG: fix coverage [\7](

**Merged pull requests:**

- TEST: Add testing via doctest [\10]( ([ThibTrip](
- BUGFIX: Improve coverage [\9]( ([ThibTrip](
- BUGFIX: fix issue where "ON CONFLICT" clause appears twice in the insert query [\8]( ([ThibTrip](
- BUGFIX: fix bugs in tests [\6]( ([ThibTrip](
- DOC: Fix broken anchor link [\5]( ([ThibTrip](

[v2]( (2020-04-04)

**Release Notes**

**_New features_**

* Added support for MySQL and SQlite 🎉 !
* Completely SQL injection safe (everything is escaped or parameterized including schema, table and column names)
* Documentation improved
* Logo added ! (I am not much of a graphic designer but I did my best 🙈)


* pangres.pg_upsert became pangres.upsert (to reflect the fact that pangres can now handle other databases than postgres). **pangres.pg_upsert** will be removed in the next version!
* the argument "if_exists" of the old function pangres.pg_upsert was removed in the new pangres.upsert in favor of the argument "if_row_exists" whose functionnality is clearer. The equivalent of <code>if_exists="upsert_overwrite"</code> is now <code>if_row_exists="update"</code> and <code>if_exists="upsert_keep"</code> is now <code>if_row_exists="ignore"</code>

**_Breaking changes_**

* Contrary to the old function pangres.pg_upsert the new pangres.upsert function does not clean "bad" column names automatically for postgres. An error will be raised if any column contains "%" or "(" or ")" but you can use pangres.fix_psycopg2_bad_cols to fix such problems.

**_Changes for developers_**

* Testing improved! You can provide a connection string in the command line directly 👍 !

[Full Changelog](

**Merged pull requests:**

- DOC: Update [\4]( ([ThibTrip](
- CORE: Add support for other databases \(MySQL, SQlite and potentially others\) [\3]( ([ThibTrip](

[v1.3.1]( (2020-02-16)

**Release Notes**

* Drastically improved speed for small datasets (<= 100 rows and <= 20 columns)

[Full Changelog](

**Merged pull requests:**

- CORE: Bump to version 1.3.1 [\2]( ([ThibTrip](
- CORE:Improve performance [\1]( ([ThibTrip](

[v1.3]( (2020-01-31)

**Release Notes**



[Full Changelog](

\* *This Changelog was automatically generated by [github_changelog_generator](*



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