
Latest version: v0.7.8

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* **Breaking changes** 1074

* Python 3.8
* Default service install does not include ``focuser`` dependencies.
* Default service is running a public jupyter lab.
* Default Docker command is a ``ipython`` console with the simulators loaded.
* Docker image only contains limited set of files.
* Directories inside the service image have been simplified for easier mapping onto desired targets on the host. The main top-level directory (i.e. ``$PANDIR``) is now ``/POCS`` with other folders nested underneath.
* Removing ``peas`` scripts.
* New Power Board and arduino sketch for controlling power and reading currents. 1038
* Serial Mount: clarify the ``driver``, ``brand``, and ``model`` options. 1085

* ``brand`` and ``model`` determine the directory/file to use for looking up the mount commands. ``brand`` should be a subdir of the ``directories.mounts`` config entry (which is set to ``resources/mounts`` by default) and ``model`` should be the name of the yaml file (without the extension).
* ``driver`` should be the fully qualified namespace to the python file. Fixes 1081


This will look for `resources/mounts/ioptron/cem40.yaml`
for the command file and will load the `driver` via `load_module`
brand: ioptron
model: cem40
driver: panoptes.pocs.mount.ioptron.cem40


* Simple example script for creating a ``POCS`` instance with all simulators. 1074
* Using ``threading.excepthook`` to log errors in camera exposure threads. 1074
* Adding ```` mount driver and commands file. 1085


* Updated install script (includes ZSH again). 1074
* Pointing state is skipped if ``num_pointing_images==0``. 1074
* The default ``radius`` for solving images is 15°.
* Don't parse mount commands with new serializers, which was turning the ``0040`` mount version into a date for some reason. 1085
* Organized the mount command files better. 1085
* Don't update config server when creating simulator. Fixes 1080


* ``PANUSER`` owns ``conda``. 1068
* Dockerfile cleanup for better builds. 1068
* Docker image does not contain ``focuser`` extras by default. 1068
* Images use ```` as base. 1074
* Docker files are all contained within ``docker`` folder. 1074
* Docker image has tycho2 10-19 index files for plate-solving. 1074
* Docker services (``config-server`` and ``pocs-control``) are started in ``global`` mode so tehre can be only one. 1074
* Config changed to run with simulators out of the box. 1074


* Old scripts and config files. 1074


* Fix the log level in conftest. 1068
* Move all tests into ``tests`` subdir from project root. 1068
* Cleanup of testing setup, especially for GHA. 1068
* Simplify testing service by removing ``tests/env`` file. 1074




* Conda environment file. (wtgee 1066)
* Add the `gsutil` to `google` install options. Required for uploading data. (wtgee 1036, 1037)
* Ability to specify autofocus plots in config file. (wtgee 1029)
* A "developer" version of the ``panoptes-pocs`` docker image is cloudbuilt automatically on merge with ``develop``. (wtgee 1010)
* Better error checking in cameras, including ability to store error. (AnthonyHorton 1007)
* Added ``error.InvalidConfig`` exception. (wtgee 1007)
* Config options to control camera processing options and allow for `defaults` in the config that applies to all cameras: (wtgee 1007)

* ``cameras.defaults.compress_fits`` if FITS files should be fpacked. Default True.
* ``cameras.defaults.record_observations`` if observation metadata should be recorded. Default True.
* ``cameras.defaults.make_pretty_images`` to make jpgs from images. Default True.


* The ``model`` parameter for the camera and subcomponents needs a fully resolved namespace for either the module or class. (wtgee 1007)
* The ``take_exposure`` method returns an event to indicate that exposure is in progress, **not** to indicate when exposure has completed. The event is stored in the camera object and accessible via ``camera.is_exposing``. (wtgee 1007)
* Removed camera temperature stability checking for now. (wtgee 1007)
* Moved the ``AbstractGphotoCamera`` class into it's own namespace and file. (wtgee 1007)
* Python moved back to 3.7. (1021)

Bug fixes

* Fix incorrect import of autofocus plots. (wtgee 1034)
* DSLR simulator cameras properly override the cooling defaults. (wtgee 1001)
* Stability checks for cooled cameras so they are only marked ``ready`` when cooled condition has stabilized. (danjampro 990)
* Properly closed the autofocus matplotlib figures. (wtgee 1029)
* Prevent thumbnails from being larger than image. (wtgee 1029)


* Clean up dependencies and offer extras install options. (wtgee 1066)

* Split some hardware options, such as ``focuser``, which has extra dependencies.

* Consolidate config files into ``conf_files`` dir. This includes targets and state machine files. (wtgee 1066)
* Change ``thumbnail_size`` to ``cutout_size`` consistently. (wtgee 1040.)
* Camera observation updates:

* TheSkyX utilities added (from ``panoptes-utils``). (wtgee 1066)
* headers param fixed so truly optional. The POINTING keyword is checked in the metadata, not original headers. Closes 1002. (wtgee 1009)
* Passing approved headers will actually write them to file. (wtgee 1009)
* ``blocking=False`` param added. If True, will wait on observation_event. (wtgee 1009)
* Renamed metadata variables to be consistent. (wtgee 1009)
* ``_process_fits`` is responsible for writing the headers rather than calling out to panoptes-utils. Allows for easier overrides. (wtgee 1009)
* dslr simulator readout time improved. (wtgee 1009)
* ``process_exposure`` doesn't require the exposure_event to be passed because that is the cameras is_exposing property. (wtgee 1009)
* The autofocus plotting has been moved to an external file. (wtgee 1029)

* Changelog cleanup. (wtgee 1008)
* ``panoptes-utils`` updates:

* Updated ``panoptes-utils`` to ``v0.2.30``. (wtgee 1066)
* Updated ``panoptes-utils`` to ``v0.2.29``. (wtgee 1021)
* Updated ``panoptes-utils`` to ``v0.2.28``. (wtgee 1007)
* Updated ``panoptes-utils`` to ``v0.2.27`` to support the envvars for starting config server. (wtgee 1001)

* Move the ```` script into ``scripts``. (wtgee 1001)
* Camera:

* Changed how subcomponents for camera are created. (wtgee 1007)
* Camera and subcomponent stringification changed for clarity. (wtgee 1007)
* Can reassign SDK camera if same UID is presented with flag to ``create_cameras_from_config``. (wtgee 1007)
* Add support for taking "dark" frames for cameras with mechanical shutters or opaque filters in the filterwheel. (AnthonyHorton 989)
* ``_poll_exposure`` was needlessly being called in a ``threading.Timer`` rather than a simple ``threading.Event``. (wtgee 1007)
* Slight improvements to the timeout and readout for exposures with the simulators. (wtgee 1007)

* Docker:

* Default ``$PANUSER`` is now ``pocs-user`` instead of ``panoptes``. (wtgee 1066)
* Docker images default to ``latest`` instead of ``develop``. (wtgee 1066)
* Removed ``developer`` docker image. (wtgee 1066)
* Updated to match ``panoptes-utils`` Docker updates: removal of ``source-extractor`` and more. (wtgee 1008)
* ``gphoto2`` comes from apt. (wtgee 1007)
* Local setup script doesn't build ``panoptes-utils`` but assumes done otherwise or uses ````. (wtgee 1007)

* Testing:

* Added ``tests/env`` file for setting up testing. (wtgee 1066)
* Config server is started as part of pytest again (reverting below). (wtgee 1066)
* Testing is run from a locally built Docker image for both local and CI testing. (wtgee 1001)
* Config file for testing is moved to ``$PANDIR/tests/testing.yaml``. (wtgee 1001)
* Config server for testing is started external to ``pytest``, which is currently lowering coverage. (wtgee 1001)
* Coverage reports are generated inside the Docker container. (wtgee 1001)
* Default log level set to TRACE. (wtgee 1007)
* Less hard-coding of fixtures and answers, more config server. (wtgee 1007)
* Renamed the cameras in testing fixtures. (wtgee 1007)
* Cooled cameras have temperature stability check in conftest. (wtgee 1007)


* Removed testing and local setup scripts. (wtgee 1066)
* Removed manuals from ``resources`` directory. (wtgee 1066)
* Removed all arduino files, to be replaced by Firmata. See instructions on gitbook docs. (wtgee 1035)
* Remove ``create_camera_simulator`` helper function. (wtgee 1007)




* Dependency updates:

* ``panoptes-utils`` to ``0.2.26``. (995)
* ``panoptes-utils`` to ``0.2.21``. (979)
* ``panoptes-utils`` to ``0.2.20``. (974)

* Install script. (974)

* Env var file is sourced for zshrc and bashrc.
* Fix the clone of the repos in install script. (978)
* Adding a date version to script. (979)
* ``docker-compose`` version bumped to ``1.26.2``. (979)
* Better testing for ssh access. (984)
* Using ` docker-compose <>`_ so we also have ``arm`` version without work. (#986)
* Fixing conditional so script can proceed without restart. (986)
* Generalizing install script in sections. (986)

* Development Environment (974)

* Many cleanups to environment and launch. See docs.
* Config server started along with development environment.
* Docker images and python packages are now automated via GitHub Actions and Google Cloud Build. (995)

* Docker image updates (972)

* Updated ```` script.
* ``latest`` installs the ``panoptes-pocs`` module from pip
* ``develop`` installs via ``pip install -e[google.testing]`` and is used for running the CI tests.
* ``developer-env`` installs locally but with all options, i.e. ``pip install -e[google,testing,plotting,developer]``. Also builds ``jupyterlab`` and other developer tools. Starts a ``jupyterlab`` instance by default.
* Use new ``arduino-cli`` installer.
* Add ``bin/panoptes-develop`` and ``bin/`` to installed scripts.
* Add ``docker/``, a convenience script for building local images.
* Python moved to 3.8. (974)
* Docker images are now built with buildx to get an arm version running. (978)
* Removing readline and pendulum dependencies. (978)
* Fully automated build and release of packages with GitHub Actions. (995)

* Testing (974)

* Removing all the dynamic config server info, making things a lot simpler.
* ``docker-compose`` files for running tests.
* Misc documentation updates.
* Code coverage no longer ignores test.
* Testing is run via ``panoptes-develop test``.
* Log files are rotated during each run.

* POCS (974)

* POCS instance cannot ``initialize`` unless it's ``observatory.can_observe``.
* Set ``simulator`` config item at start of ``POCS`` init method if ``simulators`` (note plural) is passed.
* Simplification of the ``run`` method and the various predicates used to control it. Now just use the computed ``keep_running``.
* Adding some action flags to the ``pocs.yaml`` file.
* Remove ``POCS.check_environment`` class method.
* Add a ``console_log_level`` and ``stderr_log_level``. The former is written to the log file in ``$PANLOG`` and is meant to be tailed in the console. The ``stderr_log_level`` is what would be displayed, e.g. in a jupyter notebook. (977)
* Mount simulator better name and stringify. (977)
* Global db object for ``PanBase`` (977)
* Allow for custom folder for metadata. (979)
* Default changed to ``metadata``.

* Camera simulator cleanup. (974)
* Scheduler (974)

* The ``fields_file`` is read when scheduler is created.



Note that we skipped ``0.7.2`` and ``0.7.3``.

Bug fixes

* Package name is ``panoptes-pocs`` for namespace consistency. (971)
* README changed to rst. (971)



If you thought 9 months between releases was a long time, how about 18
months! :) This version has a lot of breaking changes and is not
backwards compatible with previous versions. The release is a (big) stepping
stone on the way to ``0.8.0`` and (eventually!) a ``1.0.0``.

The entire repo has been redesigned to support docker images. This comes
with a number of changes, including the refactoring of many items into
the `panoptes-utils <>`__ repo.

There are a lot of changes included in this release, highlights below:

.. warning::

This changelog is likely missing some things. The release was large. Too
large. If you think something might be working different that just might
be true. Check the forums.


* Storing an explicit ``safety`` collection in the database.
* Configuration file specific for testing rather than relying on ``pocs.yaml``.
* Convenience scripts for running tests inside docker container:


* GitHub Actions for testing and coverage upload.


* Docker as default. (951).
* Weather items have moved to `aag-weather <>`__.

* Two docker containers run from the ``aag-weather`` image and have a ``docker/docker-compose-aag.yaml`` file to start.

* Config items related to the configuration system have been moved to the `Config Server <>`__ in ``panoptes-utils`` repo.

* The main interface for POCS related items is through ``self.get_config``, which can take a key and a default, e.g. ``self.get_config('mount.horizon', default='30 deg')``.
* Test writing is affected and is currently more difficult than would be ideal. An updated test writing document will be following this release.

* Logging has changed to `loguru <>`__ and has been greatly simplified:

* ``get_root_logger`` has been replaced by ``get_logger``.

* The ``per-run`` logs have been removed and have been replaced by two logs files:

* ``$PANDIR/logs/panoptes.log``: Log file meant for watching on the
command line (via ``tail``) or for otherwise human-readable logs.
Rotated daily at 11:30 am. Only the previous days' log is
* ``$PANDIR/logs/panoptes_YYYYMMDD.log``: Log file meant for archive
or information gathering. Stored in JSON format for ingestion into
log analysis service. Rotated daily at 11:30 and stored in a
compressed file for 7 days. Future updates will add option to
upload to google servers.

* ``loguru`` provides two new log levels

* ``trace``: one level below ``debug``.
* ``success``: one level above ``info``.

* **Breaking** Mount: unparking has been moved from the
``ready`` to the ``slewing`` state. This fixes a problem where after
waiting 10 minutes for observation check, the mount would move from
park to home to park without checking weather safety.
* Documentation updates.
* Lots of conversions to ``f-strings``.
* Renamed codecov configuration file to be compliant.
* Switch to pyscaffold for package maintenance.
* "Waiting" method changes:
* ``sleep`` has been renamed to ``wait``.
* All `status()` methods have been converted to properties that return a useful dict.
* Making proper abstractmethods.
* Documentation updates where found.
* Many log and f-string fixes.
* ``pocs.config_port`` property available publicly.
* horizon check for state happens directly in ``run``.


* Cleanup of any stale or unused code.
* All ``mongo`` related code.
* Consolidate configration files: ``.pycodestyle.cfg``, ``.coveragerc``
into ``setup.cfg``.
* Weather related items. These have been moved to
aag-weather`` <>`__.
* All notebook tutorials in favor of
panoptes-tutorials`` <>`__.
* Remove all old install and startup scripts.



One week between releases is a lot better than 9 months! ;) Some small
but important changes mark this release including faster testing times
on local machines. Also a quick release to remove some of the CloudSQL
features (but see the shiny new Cloud Functions over in the
`panoptes-network <>`__


* Cameras
* Use unit\_id for sequence and image ids. Important for processing
consistency [613].
* State Machine


* Camera
* Remove camera creation from Observatory [612].
* Smarter event waiting [625].
* More cleanup, especially path names and pretty images [610, 613,
614, 620].
* Mount
* Testing
* Caching some of the build dirs [611].
* Only use Mongo DB type during local testing - Local testing with
1/3rd the wait! [616].
* Google Cloud [599]
* Storage improvements [601].


* Misc
* CountdownTimer utility [625].


* Google Cloud [599]
* Reverted some of the CloudSQL connectivity [652]
* Cameras
* Remove spline smoothing focus [621].

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