* Added ``oh-my-zsh`` install file directly to ease some issues with GCP builds. (wtgee 257)
* Added ``source-extractor`` to dependencies but with no custom config files. (wtgee 257)
* Config Server:
* Option to start a heartbeat or not. (wtgee 248)
* Reverting back to ``python=3.7`` for compatibility w/ GCP notebooks. (wtgee 255)
* Freezing ``astropy<=4.0.1`` while we wait for ``astroplan`` to get pushed. (wtgee 255)
* Changed the horizon module to use numpy interpolation so we don't need to explicitly install scipy. (wtgee 248)
* ``altaz_to_radec`` accepts astropy quantities. (wtgee 250)
* Downloaded helper script doesn't have ``python3`` hardcoded. (wtgee 250)
* Docker Tools (wtgee 248):
* Conda environment built from ``resources/environment.yaml``. (wtgee 252)
* Adds a "developer" dockerfile and compose file to install things for developers. (wtgee 248)
* Docker CMD will run ipython. (wtgee 248)
* docker-compose file will start a jupyter-lab instance. (wtgee 248)
* Fixed the ``oh-my-zsh`` path for Docker install. (wtgee 256)
* Return testing output from docker container, passint exit status. (wtgee 256)
* The ``stars`` module, which has been moved to ``panoptes-pipeline``. (wtgee 251)
* The ``metadata`` module, which has been moved to ``panoptes-pipeline``. (wtgee 252)
* Docker Tools (wtgee 248):
* Remove ``source-extractor`` from ``panoptes-utils`` and move to ``panoptes-pipeline``. (wtgee 252)
* Remove ``imagemagick`` from ``panoptes-utils``. This is used for adding titles to JPGs. (wtgee 252)
* Don't install a separate conda environment, just use the base to help reduce image size, complexity. (wtgee 252)
* Cleanup unused dependencies. (wtgee 252)
* Testing:
* Adios travis! (wtgee 252)