What's Changed
* ChemRxiv update by jannisborn in https://github.com/PhosphorylatedRabbits/paperscraper/pull/16:
* Decided to keep the chemrxiv-related code in the package to ensure backwards compatibility.
* attempting to download the latest chemrxiv dump (`paperscraper.get_dumps.chemrxiv`) will now be denied by `ConnectionRefusedError`
* Loading the package still tries to find a local chemrxiv dump. If one is available, package behaves as before (i.e., existing local chemrxiv dumps will continue to be fully searchable with all associated functionalities)
* If no chemrxiv dump is available, package silently proceeds (no logging, since this is the new default, closing 13)
* Improved dump loading in case the .jsonl files are empty or faulty (fixes 15)
* README description with details about chemrxiv migration from figshare to Endorse
* added badges about download statistics
* ci: switch from travis to GA by jannisborn in https://github.com/PhosphorylatedRabbits/paperscraper/pull/12
* PyPI releases now triggered with releases instead of tags
**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/PhosphorylatedRabbits/paperscraper/compare/0.1.0...0.1.1