One of the main developments for version `0.8` is to make `papis` less
dependent on `PyPi`, for which some important dependencies have been
added into the main source and is installed with it.
- Redesign of the picker and `tui`.
- Add `text_area` widget for duplication warnings and `papis rm`
- Add color to the logs and potentially throughout the project.
- Add rudimentary [BASE]( parser
and include it in `papis explore` and `papis update`.
- Update Hyperlink DOIs to preferred resolver (issue 136)
- Add click based shell completion for `bash` and `zsh`.
Consult the [docs](
- Add bibtex tests
- Update export format in bibtex
- Fix help string in commands
- `papis export -o` now appends and does not overwrite
- Fix existing paths in command `addto`
- Add `papis.cli.bypass` decorator for scripts
- Remove `xeditor` config parameter
- Add external picker in api
- Erase all guis from Papis main repository, they should be used in external
scripts or projects, [docs](
- Fix downloader testing framework.
- Add downloader for:
- ``
- ``
[0.7.0]( (2024-09-03)
* don't use autocmd to format new notes
* enable inserting multiple refs at once
* enable acting on multiple selections in telescope ([091e6df](
* enable inserting multiple refs at once ([16a0e56](
* **health:** add check for completion ([4492155](
* **health:** add check for papis-storage ([82eef18](
* **search:** only insert ref_prefix + ref if inserting into existing citation ([1c513b2](
* **utils:** handle opening multiple notes ([70dea91](
Bug Fixes
* **at-cursor:** bring file icon in line with search module ([71a32b1](
* **health:** don't force start papis ([8c6d53b](
Code Refactoring
* don't use autocmd to format new notes ([3c5bb86](
[0.6.1]( (2024-07-29)
* add logo ([a978704](
* **fs-watcher:** add debounce and deferred handling ([2e2916f](
* **init:** better logging ([c73f255](
* **sqlite-wrapper:** make `has_schema_changed` more sophisticated ([ff8ae82](
Bug Fixes
* **fs-watcher:** correct typos ([1126504](
* **init:** fix db tbl empty check ([286b9d3](
* **init:** load commands before modules ([6cacc32](
* make some `notify` into `log` ([6f1cf00](
* **search:** ensure metadata table always has entry row ([d7bcc4c](
* **search:** regenerate telescope precalc on demand ([f9d1e72](
* **sqlite-wrapper:** create tbl after dropping if schema change ([ae45382](
* **sqlite-wrapper:** set required to `true` not string `"true"` ([d41100a](
[0.6.0]( (2024-07-03)
* **at-cursor:** add icon to at-cursor popup
* **at-cursor:** add icon to at-cursor popup ([4eeb7bc](
* check for schema changes on startup ([850988c](
Bug Fixes
* **health:** checkhealth should be normal startup condition ([684d6d2](
* **health:** force start papis ([a2b3bf3](
* **init:** only ever run loadPapis autocmd once ([4a09b98](
* **keymaps:** create buffer local keymaps for all matching buffers ([c30be92](
* make icon style more consistent ([745983b](
* only start papis.nvim once ([a5ffbd0](
* **search:** don't deepcopy, use metatable ([9322c41](
* **utils:** check if handle exists before closing ([db3632a](
[0.5.1]( (2024-06-19)
Bug Fixes
* **search:** copy entry_display from telescope before amending it ([c7b0f47](
[0.5.0]( (2024-06-18)
* rework commands and keymaps
* add pretty icons
* add pretty icons ([f14ce7d](
* rework commands and keymaps ([93f56ca](
* **search:** make telescope speedier ([c71dbe5](
* use option from Papis to open external files ([4a0575f](
Bug Fixes
* add missing modules (oops) ([5e0c9c7](
* **data:** update precalc after updating db ([728e017](
* **papis-storage:** remove all control chars from strings ([3cd93d0](
* **papis-storage:** remove newline/carrage return chars when importing ([31304b0](
[0.4.0]( (2024-06-13)
* improve lazy-loading ([b685f69](
* initially sort telescope entries by time-added ([eae91b8](
Miscellaneous Chores